Re: [w3c/clipboard-apis] Add clipboard IDL description. (#158)

@snianu commented on this pull request.

     1. If |r| is not "granted", then reject |p| with a "NotAllowedError" DOMException
-    1. Let |data| be a copy of the [=system clipboard data=] represented as
-     a sequence of {{ClipboardItem}}s.
+    1. Let |data| be a copy of the [=system clipboard data=] represented as [=ClipboardItems=]. For the MIME types defined in the [=mandatory data types=] list, |data| contains the sanitized copy of text/html format, but image/png format has unsanitized payload to preserve meta data.
+     Note: Currently in Chromium, only one [=ClipboardItem=] object is supported for reading and writing via [=clipboard=] object.


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