2 proposals for next call agenda
Actions Use Case
Actions Use Cases
Activity Streams 2.0
Activity Streams and Annotations
Activity Streams URI Namespace
- Markus Lanthaler (Thursday, 30 October)
- ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Thursday, 30 October)
- Markus Lanthaler (Thursday, 30 October)
- Renato Iannella (Tuesday, 28 October)
- Andreas Kuckartz (Friday, 24 October)
- Markus Lanthaler (Friday, 24 October)
- Markus Lanthaler (Friday, 24 October)
- Renato Iannella (Friday, 24 October)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 23 October)
- Markus Lanthaler (Thursday, 23 October)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 23 October)
- Erik Wilde (Thursday, 23 October)
- Andreas Kuckartz (Thursday, 23 October)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 23 October)
- Erik Wilde (Thursday, 23 October)
- James M Snell (Thursday, 23 October)
Agenda for conference call 7 Oct 2014
AS2.0 Discovery
Buddyradar and future/scheduled/planned Activity
Call for Exclusions: Activity Streams 2.0, Activity Vocabulary
Decoupled UIs, Hypermedia, CORS, HTML vs JSON
Doodle: Link for poll "W3C Social Web WG F2F2"
first examples from AS2.0 draft available as Turtle!
Fwd: Re: [webappsec] Topics for Rechartering
Fwd: We're adapting Open Badges to JSON-LD
Geo data in JSON-LD
Hosted JSON-LD context
IG Use Case presentation to WG
IndieWeb stack and JSON requirement + JSON-LD option?
ISSUE-10: Need candidates for social api
ISSUE-3: Should we drop verbs and only use nouns/object type instead?
ISSUE-4: Do we rely on explicit typing or support implicit typing based on explicit property names?
ISSUE-6: Make sure we have teleconferencing equipment for next f2f
ISSUE-7: Are as consumers required to understand the pre-json-ld syntax?
ISSUE-8: Test suite for activity streams 2.0
ISSUE-9: Need candidates for federation protocol
JSON-LD vs. JSON: pro vs. con?
Let's try SWAT0 all together (former: Photo)
Meeting minutes October 14th
Meeting Oct 21st (today) at 1:00 PM EST
Meeting room for Monday: Salon 2
Minutes for today's meeting (2014-10-14)
Next F2F
past discussions on Actions + Handlers in Hydra CG & WebSchemas
RDFa + rel="me" (IndieAuth)
Reminder: Feedback on current editor's draft
Reminder: Review current drafts
Social API layers
Social IG/WG TPAC F2F started: Dial-in live (same number, same IRC)
Social Web WG agenda for 14 October 2014
Social WG teleconference 21 Oct 2014 17:00 UTC
social-ACTION-10: Share verbs and object types from pump.io with jsnell before adapting basic schema
social-ACTION-5: See if bradfitz did sign on off w3c owf licensing.
social-ACTION-6: Cycle with wendy and google on push licensing
social-ACTION-7: Set up a doodle poll for next f2f, with 1st week of feb and march
social-ACTION-8: Look at web annotation model and figure out how it maps into social work
social-ACTION-9: Adapt basic schema from activity streams 1.0 to 2.0
social-ISSUE-2 (Namespace): What namespace should the Activity Streams 2.0 specification use? [Activity Streams 2.0]
SWAT0 with WebMention as Action Handler
The First Public Working Drafts
Today's meeting + my regrets
TPAC registration
TPAC: Schema.org and Social WG ( legal / technical )
- James M Snell (Thursday, 23 October)
- Harry Halpin (Thursday, 23 October)
- Markus Lanthaler (Thursday, 23 October)
- ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Thursday, 23 October)
- ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Thursday, 23 October)
- Harry Halpin (Thursday, 23 October)
- Markus Lanthaler (Thursday, 23 October)
- ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Thursday, 23 October)
- James M Snell (Wednesday, 22 October)
- ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Wednesday, 22 October)
Updated Editor's Drafts
Use Case Categorization
Use of Github
using object keys in JSON-LD
Vocabulary for verbs/activity types [was RE: Verbs]
Last message date: Friday, 31 October 2014 23:54:38 UTC