ISSUE-119 rel-repetition: Call for Consensus to close by amicable resolution
Request for revert on bug 11984
Working Group Decision on ISSUE-118 broken-link-types
[Bug 12207] New: Should html/@lang and html/@xml:lang result in a dc:language predicate?
[Bug 12204] New: Inconsistent capitalization of "Windows". IANA 1252 uses lowercase, IANA 1254 uses uppercase, so ignore offical versions and go with what makes sense, which is "Windows"
[Bug 12203] New: Inconsistent capitalization of "Windows". IANA 1252 uses lowercase, IANA 1254 uses uppercase, so ignore offical versions and go with what makes sense, which is "Windows"
[Bug 12201] New: Tim Berners-Lee seems to be TimBL's canonical name
[Bug 12200] New: "If a reflecting IDL attribute is a DOMString whose": s/DOMString/DOMString attribute/
[Bug 12199] New: Step 4.4 "For each character ..." -> It must operate on a sequence of characters, not on a character. Otherwise it would generate overlong form when the encoding is stateful (e.g. consider ISO-2022-JP's escape sequences).
[Bug 12198] New: pattern = context . createPattern(image, repetition), could be any valid source or only image, by example other canvas...
[Bug 12197] New: pattern = context . createPattern(image, repetition), could be any valid source or only image, by example other canvas...
[Bug 12196] New: pattern = context . createPattern(image, repetition), could be any valid source or only image, by example other canvas...
[Bug 12195] New: canplay event is fired long before one can play in any meaningful way
[Bug 12194] New: The example calls a function "recover" but there is no such function. Should it be calling the function "set"?
[Bug 12193] New: It would be nice to hide the html5(html+css+js) code.The visibility of the code makes it vulnerable to certain types of hacks and ofcourse proprietary code which the developer might wish not to share.please consider this request
[Bug 12192] New: Would be great to see a sample .vtt file!
[Bug 12191] New: The spec doesn't currently seem to handle the situation of seeking to a point beyond the end of a presumed-infinite stream, whether by advancing monotonically to that point or arbitrarily seeking to that point.
Content positioning in Canvas fallback content feedback requested
- Re: Content positioning in Canvas fallback content feedback requested
- Re: Content positioning in Canvas fallback content feedback requested
DIAGRAM project and image descriptions
[Bug 12188] New: aaa adf afadf adfdf
<video> readyState/networkState coupling and event order
[Bug 12187] New: should drawImage throw for dw/dh==0?
[Bug 12186] New: Should explicitly state that TimeRanges.end() is inclusive, so that if the browser reverts to HAVE_METADATA while playing, the .buffered.end(0) value is the last rendered frame, and .currentTime is the next frame, and so that when .ended is true, .buffere
[Bug 12183] New: "Last call for comments" in the infoboxes
[Bug 12182] New: "The ready states" vs "Network states"
[Bug 12181] New: The text in conflicts with existing practice, older (e.g. HTML 4) descriptions, and the brief summary in the table at the start of 4.12.4, where "index" is described thusly: "Gives a link to the document that provides a table of contents or in
ISSUE-144 conforming-u - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
Re: ISSUE-144 (conforming-u): Chairs Solicit Proposals
[Bug 12178] New: Simplify/Remove the semantics of <b> and <i> or the description of it
[Bug 12176] New: will try to update the cache
ISSUE-161 accessibility-api-mapping - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
ISSUE-9 video-accessibility: Call for Consensus to close in favor of specific issues, or Alternate/Counter-Proposals
[Bug 12175] New: the order of the loadedmetadata, loadeddata and suspend event is not defined
change proposal for issue 161
[Bug 12174] New: Structured Clone 'Object' links to HTMLObjectElement?
Overview of W3C technologies for mobile Web applications
[Bug 12172] New: What should startOffsetTime return when the current timeline offset is not known?
[Bug 12171] New: Define "resolve an address" here until there's a useful spec to reference. The lack of specification seriously hurts any attempt to improve interoperability for anything related to URLs
Re: ISSUE-160 menuless-commands: Chairs Solicit Proposals
Re: ISSUE-158 object-content-model: Chairs Solicit Proposals
Re: ISSUE-161 accessibility-api-mapping: Chairs Solicit Proposals
Re: ISSUE-157 image-map-spec: Chairs Solicit Proposals
[Bug 12169] New: I like cheese
[Bug 12168] New: Shouldn't you have a rule somewhere like body { background: white } or html { background: white }?
[Bug 12167] New: The requirement on the listing element conflicts with its old definition (which requires a special parsing mode where no markup except the element's end tag is recognized) and usage. It is better to avoid requiring any support than to require support that
[Bug 12166] New: The requirement on the xmp element conflicts with its old definition (which requires a special parsing mode where no markup except the element's end tag is recognized) and usage. It is better to avoid requiring any support than to require support that bre
[Bug 12165] New: The requirement on the plaintext element conflicts with its old definition and usage. It is better to avoid requiring any support than to require support that breaks legacy usage. The plaintext element should be regarded as undefined in HTML5.
[Bug 12164] New: People, are you crazy?! Why are you putting the entire spec into a single file?? It takes forever to load, and locks up the browser in the process. Split it up and use hyperlinks, like the rest of the world!
[Bug 12163] New: The illustration of header associations for the ID/Measurement/Average/Maximum table is incorrect. Since the header cells "Legs" and "Tails" (in both rowgroups) do not have scope attributes set to "row" and they have data cells to their left, they are not
Defining target of links for embedded content
[Bug 12162] New: Overall comment. A downloadable PDF of the altest editor's draft would be a useful way for readers to access the spec. Personally I would like to add my own comments and notations as I read the sepc, but this is only possible with a PDF. I tried creating
[Bug 12161] New: The link "WebSocket protocol" refers to an Internet Draft that has expired (on Feb. 17, 2011).
[Bug 12160] New: The test page linked to does not exist (404 Not Found).
[Bug 12159] New: how to prevent registering a protocol twice w/o bothering the user?
[Bug 12157] New: s/Other specification/Other specifications/
ISSUE-152 multitrack-media-resources - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
ISSUE-155 table-border - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
ISSUE-131 caret-location-API - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
[Bug 12154] New: b and strong should be font-weight: bolder, not font-weight: bold. IE9 RC, Firefox 4b11, and WebKit all agree, with only Opera differing. Test case: data:text/html,<!doctype html><p style=font-weight:100><b>Should be bold per current spec</b>
Working Group Decision on ISSUE-89
Re: ISSUE-156 permit-close-tag: Chairs Solicit Proposals
[Bug 12153] New: The input tag references a 'filelist', which appears to be undefined in the specification.
[Bug 12152] New: Charset attribute is (in HTML 4) supposed to inform the browser beforehand about the encoding (before making an HTTP request), and it may also be useful if the resource is not transferred via HTTP or it is sent without suitable Content-Type header. The cu
Issue 131 Change Proposal
Change proposal for issue 152
Request to reopen HTML-ISSUE-30
[Bug 12151] New: :in-range and :out-of-range should only apply to input elements with a type for which min or max apply
Change Proposal: Allow menu and command elements to represent a tablist
[Bug 12150] New: t taking p
[Bug 12149] New: The argument name is "scheme", but you call it "protocol" in this text: The arguments to the methods have the following meanings and corresponding implementation requirements: protocol (registerProtocolHandler() only)
[Bug 12148] New: I strongly believe disallowing 'true' and 'false' in boolean attributes will cause significant confusion in the future. Already, you can find respected web developers incorrectly referring to attributes as true and false. For instance: http://blog.getif
Change of affiliation
[Bug 12147] New: It's not "little green guys with guns", it's "diminutively-sized colorfully challenged persons expressing their second amendment rights".
[Bug 12146] New: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <header> <h1><a href="#"><img src="logo.gif"></a></h1> </header> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="#">MENU_01</
[Bug 12145] New: define how to resolve conflicting link types
ISSUE-125: charset-vs-quotes - Straw Poll for Objections
- combining relations from multiple link elements, Re: ISSUE-125: charset-vs-quotes - Straw Poll for Objections
- Re: ISSUE-125: charset-vs-quotes - Straw Poll for Objections
ISSUE-130: table-layout - Straw Poll for Objections
ISSUE-124: rel-limits - Straw Poll for Objections
- Re: ISSUE-124: rel-limits - Straw Poll for Objections
- Re: ISSUE-124: rel-limits - Straw Poll for Objections
[Bug 12141] New: Specifically state that all <track> options be exposed to the end user
[Bug 12140] New: Why is there no getTransform() method?
[Bug 12138] New: how about cammand "top up deposit" in file document PHP ?
[Bug 12137] New: how about cammand "top up deposit" in file document PHP ?
[Bug 12136] New: how about command for "top up deposit" in file document? I need help, please.??
[Bug 12135] New: Step 4 should abort the substeps if there is no base element.
[Bug 12134] New: Supporting dotted/dashed lines is definitely necessary
[Bug 12133] New: references scroll event, but never fires
[Bug 12132] New: references select event, but never fires
[Bug 12128] New: Add link type: dofollow
[Bug 12126] New: "User agents with no scripting support" is italic, which none of the other subheadings here are.
[Bug 12125] New: [CSSUI] should link to, not TR/
[Bug 12123] New: File Streaming
[Bug 12122] New: AJAX File Uploads
[Bug 12121] New: Cam Input
[Bug 12120] New: Microphone input
[Bug 12119] New: This section is not clear about how to make a progress element transition from determinate to indeterminate. As written, it sounds as if I'd have to call removeAttribute('value') to make it go into indeterminate mode. But I suspect that the intent is th
[Bug 12116] New: The non-normative box says that the elements property is an HTMLCollection, but it is actually an HTMLFormControlsCollection
[Bug 12110] New: The margin note shows no support but at least IE 8 and Firefox 3.6 support dropzone=link for an image. So does Chrome 9, which also supports dropzone=move (when the origin has editable content).
Change of affiliation
[Bug 12107] New: mp3 not supported
ISSUE-144 (conforming-u): Call for revisions
[Bug 12106] New: 1. <quote> <!DOCTYPE HTML> </quote> Is this declaration part of an html document? Or is this part of a Document Type Definition (DTD)? Where are DTDs for html documents defined? 2. <title> Resource metadata management </title> <quote> A Document is always
[Bug 12103] New: currently no browser supports seamless attribute on iframes, frameborder and scrolling should not cause validation errors in HTML5. They should be allowed but not recommended possibly.
[Bug 12101] New: "Structured clone" can be passed an object with a hostile getter that returns an object identical to itself; "structured clone" does not prevent such an infinite regression.
[Bug 12100] New: UAs do not actually convert DOMStrings to sequences of Unicode characters. Test case: data:text/html,<!doctype html><script>document.documentElement.title = "\ud800"; alert(document.documentElement.title.charCodeAt(0));</script> Expected 65533, got 5529
[Bug 12099] New: Input type=url: value range
[Bug 12096] New: Firefox uses the last meta refresh rather than the first. Test case:
[Bug 12095] New: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <!-- saved from url=(0023) --> </STYLE><!-- // please keep these lines on when you copy the source // made by: Nicolas - var mymessage = "
<video> readyState oddities
- Re: <video> readyState oddities
[Bug 12094] New: Switch from relying on DOM Level 3 Core to Web DOM Core
[Bug 12091] New: HTMLdocument named-item getter and object fallback
FW: Seeking pre-LCWD comments for Progress Events spec; deadline March 1
[Bug 12089] New: Under, Transformations, the specification reads: The transformations must be performed in reverse order. For instance, if a scale transformation that doubles the width is applied, followed by a rotation transformation that rotates drawing opera
[Bug 12088] New: Under, Transformations, the specification reads: The transformations must be performed in reverse order. For instance, if a scale transformation that doubles the width is applied, followed by a rotation transformation that rotates drawing opera
[Bug 12086] New: adsfa sdfasdfasdfadsfasdf adsf asdf
[Bug 12085] New: Please drop "The following features are defined in the DOM Range specification: [DOMRANGE]" and the following list; only Selection used those terms
[Bug 12084] New: application/microdata+json fragment identifiers not really defined
[Bug 12076] New: Wishlist: line-based parser
[Bug 12075] New: Step 12/17: header xref'd to #the-header-element
[Bug 12074] New: dgdfgdterte te rte rt er tertwe te r
[Bug 12073] New: Permit restricted use of <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
[Bug 12072] New: Comments before <!DOCTYPE html> should be forbidden
[Bug 12069] New: A div element with display: inline, inline-block or inline-table should be considered as phrasing content.
[Bug 12068] New: Make window.onerror more useful
HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide (was Re: The details element)
[Bug 12065] New: Please point out that for <input type=file multiple> should not be used. Instead each file should have its own field. Otherwise you break PHP.
Charter Extended
[Bug 12062] New: UTF-8 BOM should not be forbidden in Polyglot Markup
[Bug 12061] New: step 3 says to "set the node to the context element", but I do not see "context element" defined anywhere. Should that be the "current node" or perhaps "current table"?
[Bug 12059] New: new normative ref to DOMRANGE
[Bug 12058] New: boilerplate doesn't list latest WD
CCP for ISSUE-127
[Bug 12055] New: Accidental change in ?
[Bug 12054] New: clearly state that there must be only one character encoding declaration in a document
[Bug 12053] New: The current default ARIA role for the summary element in HTML5 is nonsensical
[Bug 12052] New: w3c error for header and nav element
[Bug 12050] <img src="#my file"... doesnt display image
The details element
[Bug 12049] New: Script defer/async attributed have no realistic usage scenario
[Bug 12044] New: This is a new feature request. Request overview: Give developers an option to disable a context's image smoothing (ie, anti-assailing). Problem: When scaling up images, most user agents smooth the output. This is fine for most use cases, but is undesirabl
[Bug 12043] New: For better compatibility with .SRT, could the FULL STOP be replaced with a COMMA? So instead of 00:00:00.000 it would be 00:00:00,000
[Bug 12041] New: Probably this should be: "Labeling a resource with the application/microdata+json type asserts that the resource is a JSON text that consists of an object with a single entry called "items" consisting of an array of entries, each of which consists of an o
[Bug 12035] New: Google Chrome 9.0 seems to support the meter element the intended way, so maybe you can update the implementation status info.
[Bug 12031] New: Please provide example of fragment parsing w/o a contextElement
[Bug 12030] New: "the user agent must follow the following steps" -- missing "run" or similar
RE: {minutes} HTML WG telecon 2011-02-03: Issues, survey, A11y TF mini-report, Bug 11984
[Bug 12028] New: The table of link types is apparently meant to be in alphabetic order, so "stylesheet" and "sidebar" should be swapped.
Re: Running heuristic encoding detection
[Bug 12025] New: [bug?] how to handle this snippet?
[Bug 12024] New: Should make it clear that when an <object> navigates to a resource given in its data="" attribute, the fetching is done by the <object>'s algorithm and _not_ the "navigate" algorithm. In particular, there's a note in the <object> section about appcaches m
Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- RE: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- RE: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- Re: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
- RE: Tech Discussions on the Multitrack Media (issue-152)
Re: Proposal for separating script downloads and execution
ISSUE-129: aria-mapping - Straw Poll for Objections
- Re: ISSUE-129: aria-mapping - Straw Poll for Objections
- Re: ISSUE-129: aria-mapping - Straw Poll for Objections
[Bug 12023] New: How shall invalid code points from U+D800 to U+DFFF be handled - a replacement character U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER for each byte or the whole sequence (I assume the latter)
ISSUE-148 charset-detect - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
ISSUE-147 playbackrate-undefined - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
ISSUE-146 video-content-muted - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
ISSUE-135 link-canvas-spec - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
[Bug 12022] New: Shouldn't the iframe element be made into a void element? You're saying its descendents should 'represent nothing'.
[Bug 12021] New: Is <time>2011</time> acceptable? The formulation "precisedate" suggests that it is not, but an example says that "the year is not marked up at all, since marking it up would not be particularly useful", implying (IMHO) that it would be _possible_ to use <
[Bug 12020] New: "One byte in the range F5 to FD, followed by three bytes in the range 80 to BF, not followed by a byte in the range 80 to BF" should be "One byte in the range F8 to FD, followed by three bytes in the range 80 to BF, not followed by a byte in the range 80
[Bug 12019] New: hello world !!
[Bug 12018] New: hello world !!
[Bug 12015] New: "at the time the element's "already started" flag was set" should be "at the time the element's "already started" flag was FIRST set".
[Bug 12013] New: Markup of the VAT element example missing some semi-colons, mangling the left angle brackets
Fullscreen API
[Bug 12011] New: The first example has "<" (two times) instead of "<" in end tags.
[Bug 12008] New: In the first example, "</" appears as "</". I.e., the entity has been escaped one time too many.
[Bug 12006] New: This algorithm should also return the boundary used so XMLHttpRequest can set the Content-Type header appropriately.
[Bug 12005] New: It would be nice if "constructing the form data set" was an actual algorithm term and included the steps before about gathering the controls associated with the form. That way FormData(HTMLFormElement) is easier to define. And I like easy.
Re: HTML5 ISSUE-120 rdfa-prefixes : Proposal to use RDFa according to spec
Canvas accessibility: A new mode for all focusable elements?
- Re: Canvas accessibility: A new mode for all focusable elements?
- Re: Canvas accessibility: A new mode for all focusable elements?
[Bug 12003] New: "for either returns a Document"? "for" there is probably extra.
Re: ISSUE-149 (polyglot-examples): Chairs Solicit Proposals
ISSUE-122 shalott-example: Call for revisions
- Re: ISSUE-122 shalott-example: Call for revisions
- Re: ISSUE-122 shalott-example: Call for revisions
- Re: ISSUE-122 shalott-example: Call for revisions
Re: ISSUE-148 (charset-detect): Chairs Solicit Proposals
[Bug 12002] New: User agents should provide controls to enable or disable the display of closed captions, audio description tracks, and other additional data associated with the video stream, though such features should, again, not interfere with the page's normal renderi
[Bug 12001] New: Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t
[Bug 12000] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/rss+xml" title="HTML5.JP RSS Feed" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/common/css/style.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="
[Bug 11999] New: poster frame algo doesn't handle absent poster attribute
CCPs for ISSUE-140 and ISSUE-150
[Bug 11997] New: dfg fsd terbe drtgre 5wfsdf hdg
[Bug 11995] New: Parliament Square, London 09/12/2010
[Bug 11994] New: lulwut? i am 12 year old and what isthis?
[Bug 11993] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <title>samplegragh01</title> <link href="sample_graph_vbar.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="rendering-mode.js"></script> <!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" src=".
[Bug 11992] New: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html lang="ja"> <head> <title>samplegragh01</title> <link href="sample_graph_vbar.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script t
ISSUE-150 CPP — no editor micromanaging
ISSUE-140 CPP — no conformance versions
- Re: ISSUE-140 CPP — no conformance versions
- Re: ISSUE-140 CPP — no conformance versions
- Re: ISSUE-140 CPP — no conformance versions
- Re: ISSUE-140 CPP — no conformance versions
[Bug 11991] New: Document should state that percentage heights and widths are not valid
Change Proposal for ISSUE-150, was: ISSUE-150 code-point-verbosity: Chairs Solicit Proposals
- Re: Change Proposal for ISSUE-150, was: ISSUE-150 code-point-verbosity: Chairs Solicit Proposals
- Re: Change Proposal for ISSUE-150, was: ISSUE-150 code-point-verbosity: Chairs Solicit Proposals
[Bug 11988] New: "then set to true." +it
Change Proposal for ISSUE-147
Re: ISSUE-145 (codecs-vs-octet): Chairs Solicit Proposals
- Re: ISSUE-145 (codecs-vs-octet): Chairs Solicit Proposals
- premature resolution of bug 11984, was: ISSUE-145 (codecs-vs-octet): Chairs Solicit Proposals
[Bug 11984] New: Simplify <video> for implementors and authors by ignoring the Content-Type HTTP header
[Bug 11983] New: I hate niggers. I hate niggers. I hate niggers. I hate niggers. I hate niggers. I hate niggers. I hate niggers. I hate niggers. I hate niggers. I hate niggers. I hate niggers. I hate niggers.
[Bug 11982] New: hi.. my name is lucy... I wonder about this new version of HTML 5.0 as HTML, if you guys can like to receive an email with all of you and tutorial information on this new version. can this be possible? my email is: I thank you, luc
[Bug 11981] New: There's a race condition with autoplay if the autoplay attribute is removed in e.g. 'loadstart' event listener
Re: [Moderator Action] Re: HTML5 ISSUE-120 rdfa-prefixes : Proposal to use RDFa according to spec
[Bug 11979] New: this is test
[Bug 11977] New: HTML5 spec. seems to unnecessarily ban strict mode event handlers
[Bug 11973] New: HTML Spec confuses character sets with character encodings
[Bug 11972] New: s/HTML elements elements/HTML elements/
[Bug 11971] New: /added, removed, or changed/set, changed, or removed/
ISSUE-145 codecs-vs-octet - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
- Re: ISSUE-145 codecs-vs-octet - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
- Re: ISSUE-145 codecs-vs-octet - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
- Re: ISSUE-145 codecs-vs-octet - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
- Extra time for ISSUE-145 counter-proposals (was Re: ISSUE-145 codecs-vs-octet - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals)
ISSUE-142 poster-alt - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
- RE: ISSUE-142 poster-alt - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
- Re: ISSUE-142 poster-alt - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
ISSUE-140 conformance-terminology - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
ISSUE-139 ack-microdata - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
ISSUE-120 rdfa-prefixes - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals
Working Group Decision on ISSUE-41 Decentralized extensibility
started to defining accessible name/description calculation for form controls
[Bug 11970] New: onsubmit on element form: invalid return
[Bug 11969] New: Thank you for giving us precious resource.
[Bug 11968] New: <!-- Load the Google AJAX API Loader --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- Load the Google Friend Connect javascript library. --> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load('friendconnect', '0.8'); </script>
[Bug 11963] New: The namedItem(key) method must return the first node in the collection that matches the following requirements: â¢It is an a, applet, area, embed, form, frame, frameset, iframe, img, or object element with a name attribute equal to key, or, â¢It is an e
[Bug 11960] New: Consider making the global scope pollution by names/ids quirks-only
Rechartering Device APIs & Policy Working Group
[Bug 11959] New: Hi, user agents are "encouraged" to make it possible to view tooltips without the use of a pointing device (it means while browsing with the keyboard for instance). Why don't we make this an obligation instead of an encouragement ? If we don't make it a "
[Bug 11956] New: restrict use of role=presentation
[Bug 11955] New: The canvas should be tainted when drawing text with a cross-origin font (unless CORS was used to allow it)
[Bug 11953] New: I think you should cut the word "anyway" twice in step 1.Otherwise.1 and 1.Otherwise.2
[Bug 11952] New: "the drop target has to listen to at least three events" That isn't true anymore with the dropzone attribute, right? (I know this section is non-normative...)
[Bug 11951] New: One part of this section says "Binary data with a file name" and another part says "optionally with a file name". So is it optional or not?
Re: request to re-open issue 133 due to submission of a change prposal.
- Re: request to re-open issue 133 due to submission of a change prposal.
Re: CfC: close ISSUE-119 rel-repetition by amicable resolution
- Re: CfC: close ISSUE-119 rel-repetition by amicable resolution
- Re: CfC: close ISSUE-119 rel-repetition by amicable resolution
[Bug 11946] New: "The discarded bits mean that, for instance, atob("YQ") and atob("YR") both return "a"." was meant to be a note. Do you really want it to be normative text?
[Bug 11945] New: The table displays weirdly in WebKit -- some entries ("Z" and "m") spill over between columns, and "y" isn't aligned to the bottom. In Gecko and Opera, it doesn't display in columns at all. How about sticking with <dl> and CSS columns like in my version
[Bug 11944] New: In the element "table" sub-element "thead" the example is incorrect. The "thead" and "tbody" elements are opened but no cloing tag is found.
[Bug 11943] New: Typo: "exeption" (wasn't in the original text :) )
Re: Correction: CfC: close ISSUE-138 (mutate-action) by amicable resolution
[Bug 11942] New: new feature suggestion: add inputmode attribute to <input> and <textarea> This already exists in XHTML Basic: Rationale is explained in XHTML basic... Nir Dagan
[Bug 11941] New: One of the most important features that html5 is missing in lack of 'required' attribute in select tag. While all other tags are just fine for data driven web apps, lacking of this feature in select tag really puts us to write 'extra' code for required op
[Bug 11940] New: Please specify reality and deal with raster images and SVG in embed being handled by the UA rather than a plugin or ignored
updated change proposal for issue 129 ARIA in HTML5
- Re: updated change proposal for issue 129 ARIA in HTML5
- Re: updated change proposal for issue 129 ARIA in HTML5
[Bug 11939] New: Progress element max IDL attribute sholud reflect the maximum value instead of the content attribute
[Bug 11938] New: Progress element value IDL attribute default value should be -1 instead of 0
[Bug 11937] New: Progress element should be indeterminate if the value attribute isn't a valid float
[Bug 11936] New: Progress element max and value IDL attributes should be float, not double
[Bug 11935] New: There is no mention of <device> in the parsing algorithm. Could you please add it to the list of self-closing tags.
Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- Re: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- Re: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- Re: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- Re: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- Re: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- Re: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- Re: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- RE: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- Re: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- Re: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
- Re: Call for a poll of the html wg on removal of hgroup was Re: review of hgroup element prior to last call.
[Bug 11934] New: biarkan aku menjaga perasaan ini
[Bug 11933] New: testing this ok?
[Bug 11932] New: testing this ok?
Issue 151 change proposal
RE: Lifetime of new Audio()
Re: An inherent flaw in <canvas>?
- Re: An inherent flaw in <canvas>?
- Re: An inherent flaw in <canvas>?
- Re: An inherent flaw in <canvas>?