Alan Ruttenberg
Booth, David (HP Software - Boston)
- FW: Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Wednesday, 24 October)
- RE: Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Wednesday, 24 October)
- RE: Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Wednesday, 24 October)
- RE: Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Wednesday, 24 October)
- RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Tuesday, 23 October)
- RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Wednesday, 17 October)
- RE: Some TAG review of "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" (Thursday, 4 October)
- RE: HTTP Endpoints and Resources (Thursday, 4 October)
- RE: Which URI should be persistent when redirects are used? (Monday, 1 October)
- RE: XML Schema draft populates the intersection of Language and InformationResource [ISSUE-14 httpRange-14] (Monday, 1 October)
- RE: HTTP Endpoints and Resources (Monday, 1 October)
- RE: HTTP Endpoints and Resources (Monday, 1 October)
Chimezie Ogbuji
Dan Brickley
Dan Connolly
- Re: Review of EXI (Tuesday, 30 October)
- Re: Review of EXI (Tuesday, 30 October)
- economics of modularity, postscript on xmlIDSemantics-32 / ISSUE-32; TagSoupIntegration-54 / ISSUE-54 (Tuesday, 30 October)
- HTML validation and extensibility, update [tagSoupIntegration-54 ISSUE-54] [ISSUE-33 mixedUIXMLNamespace-33] (Wednesday, 17 October)
- Optimus and microformat validation (Wednesday, 17 October)
- DSKPP review brings up HTTPSubstrate-16 ISSUE-16; [URNsAndRegistries-50 ISSUE-50] (Wednesday, 17 October)
- links in HTTP, HTML, and Atom (Wednesday, 17 October)
- HTML WG discusses SVG in text/html [tagSoupIntegration-54 ISSUE-54] (Wednesday, 17 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Wednesday, 17 October)
- Re: Draft minutes from TAG telcon of 2007-10-11 available (httpRedirections-57, namespaceDocument-8) (Friday, 12 October)
- TAG meeting 17-19 Sep in Southampton: minutes/summary (Thursday, 4 October)
- W3C Mobile Ajax Workshop, Mashups, and security (Thursday, 4 October)
- Re: Updated versioning strategies doc [XMLVersioning-41 ISSUE-41] (Thursday, 4 October)
- Re: Triggering 303's (was: XML Schema draft populates the intersection ...) (Monday, 1 October)
- Re: XML Schema draft populates the intersection of Language and InformationResource [ISSUE-14 httpRange-14] (Monday, 1 October)
David Orchard
Ed Davies
Ed Summers
Henry S. Thompson
John Cowan
Jonathan Rees
Karl Dubost
Marc de Graauw
Mark Baker
Mikael Nilsson
- The meaning of "representation" (was: HTTP URIs and authority) (Friday, 26 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- HTTP URIs and authority (was: Resources and representations) (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Tuesday, 16 October)
- Re: Triggering 303's (Thursday, 11 October)
- Re: New draft finding on issue namespaceDocument-8 (Friday, 5 October)
- Re: New draft finding on issue namespaceDocument-8 (Friday, 5 October)
- RE: XML Schema draft populates the intersection of Language and InformationResource [ISSUE-14 httpRange-14] (Monday, 1 October)
- Re: Triggering 303's (was: XML Schema draft populates the intersection ...) (Monday, 1 October)
- Re: Review of EXI (Friday, 26 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Monday, 22 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Wednesday, 17 October)
- Re: Updated versioning strategies doc [XMLVersioning-41 ISSUE-41] (Wednesday, 17 October)
- Re: Preferable alternative to 'resource' (Tuesday, 9 October)
- Re: W3C Mobile Ajax Workshop, Mashups, and security (Saturday, 6 October)
- Re: Preferable alternative to 'resource' (Saturday, 6 October)
Norman Walsh
Pat Hayes
- RE: Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- RE: Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: Preferable alternative to 'resource' (Tuesday, 9 October)
- Re: Preferable alternative to 'resource' (Saturday, 6 October)
- RE: Some TAG review of "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" (Friday, 5 October)
Paul Cotton
Rhys Lewis
Richard Cyganiak
Roy T. Fielding
Shane McCarron
Story Henry
Stuart Williams
Tim Berners-Lee
Williams, Stuart (HP Labs, Bristol)
- RE: Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Wednesday, 24 October)
- RE: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- RE: Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Wednesday, 24 October)
- TAG Tecon Agenda: 25th October 2007: abbreviatedURI-56; XMLVersioning-41 (XHTHML Modularisation); IRIEverywhere-27;httpRedirections-57 (Tuesday, 23 October)
- RE: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Tuesday, 23 October)
- RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Tuesday, 23 October)
- RE: TAG Telcon Minutes: 18th Oct 2007 (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Resources and Checksums (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Tuesday, 23 October)
- RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Tuesday, 23 October)
- RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Monday, 22 October)
- RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Monday, 22 October)
- RE: New draft finding on issue namespaceDocument-8 (Thursday, 18 October)
- TAG Telcon Agenda: 18th Oct 2007: IETF/W3C mtg; tagSoupIntegration-54; IRIEverywhere-27; UrnsAndRegistries; httpRedirections-57; Nov F2F (Wednesday, 17 October)
- RE: TAG Telcon Agenda: 13th Oct 2007: httpRedirections-57, namespaceDocument-8, Mobile Ajax Workshop, XMLVersioning-41 (Friday, 12 October)
- TAG Telcon Agenda: 13th Oct 2007: httpRedirections-57, namespaceDocument-8, Mobile Ajax Workshop, XMLVersioning-41 (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Draft minutes from TAG telcon 4th October 2008. (Tuesday, 9 October)
- TAG Telcon Agenda for 4th October 2007: binaryXML-30; XMLVersioning-41; httpRedirections-57 (Thursday, 4 October)
- RE: HTTP Endpoints and Resources (Tuesday, 2 October)
- RE: HTTP Endpoints and Resources (Tuesday, 2 October)
Xiaoshu Wang
- Re: The meaning of "representation" (Friday, 26 October)
- Re: Fragment in HTML + RDF (Thursday, 25 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: Fragment in HTML + RDF (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: Resources and representations (was RE: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?) (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: HTTP URIs and authority (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Re: Resources and representations (Tuesday, 23 October)
- [Fwd: Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc?] (Monday, 22 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Monday, 22 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Monday, 22 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Monday, 22 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Monday, 22 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Monday, 22 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Thursday, 18 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Tuesday, 16 October)
- Re: Subgroup to handle semantics of HTTP etc? (Tuesday, 16 October)
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2007 00:19:24 UTC