[all] Request for Last Call Review, Internationalization Tag Set (ITS)
[Bug 2761] "Products which ITS will encompass"
[Bug 2876] Need to address versioning
[Bug 2877] Terminology data category
[Bug 2878] "Element within text" data category
[Bug 2879] Ruby data category
[Bug 2881] Change abstract
[Bug 2882] Reword "Motivation for ITS"
[Bug 2883] Reword reference to "Localization Properties" in "Out-of-scope" section
[Bug 2915] Clarify relationship between host vocabulary markup data cats and ITS data cats
[Bug 2923] Possible conflicts between schemas and instances
[Bug 2924] Why a closed list of schema languages?
[Bug 2935] processing expectations for ruby / directionality
[Bug 2951] The Section "Basic concepts" needs to be reviewed
[Bug 2969] Terminology
[Bug 3000] Allowing extensibility in its:documentRules
[Bug 3007] Terminology: "data category"
[Bug 3010] RELAX NG schema should use common prefix for patterns
[Bug 3016] ITS schema structure redesign
[Bug 3017] rename documentRules and documentRule
[Bug 3039] Proposal: check constraints in global rules
[Bug 3050] Linking mechanism
[Bug 3057] Proposal for grouping rules
[Bug 3058] ITS inheritance mechanism versus other inheritance mechanisms (e.g. DITA): Need for clear distinction
[Bug 3062] Need to write examples in the spec as valid XML
[Bug 3068] Metadata for rules necessary
[Bug 3126] Attaching information to the object associated to a selected node
[Bug 3287] Clarity of language in the abstract
[Bug 3290] Introduction too "positive" and not enough informative :)
[Bug 3291] Selector attribute and XSLT
[Bug 3292] XHTML Module for XHTML 1.1 or XHTML 2.0
[Bug 3293] Conformance/Compliance
[Bug 3294] Conformance section
[Bug 3295] What kind of document
[Bug 3296] General comment
[Bug 3297] Extensibility and its namespace
[Bug 3317] Linking of versions of textual segments via "localization information" data category
[Bug 3318] Clarify "within text" data category
[Bug 3319] Namespace binding mechanism
[Bug 3320] Using IDs for nodes instead of / in addition to XPath
[Bug 3321] Relation of terminology data category to existing standards for terminology
[Bug 3323] Version of XPath: Write "XPath 1.0 or its successor"
[Bug 3328] Order of precedence in selection
[Bug 3329] Reference to its:span
[Bug 3330] lro and rlo explanation
[Bug 3331] Please use XHTML Modularization for defining ITS DTD and Schema
[Bug 3360] Following the inheritance of the rules can be difficult
[Bug 3361] No defined behavior if external rules can't be accessed
[Bug 3362] method for translatability of attributes not clear
[Bug 3408] The attribute name "translate" may be confusing
[Bug 3409] Inconsistent use of single- and double-quotes
[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0601TechLangAuth" by YvesSavourel
[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0601TechLangDev" by YvesSavourel
[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0908LinguisticMarkup" by GoutamSaha
- nobody@w3.org (Wednesday, 14 June)
- nobody@w3.org (Wednesday, 7 June)
- nobody@w3.org (Tuesday, 6 June)
- nobody@w3.org (Wednesday, 31 May)
- nobody@w3.org (Wednesday, 31 May)
- nobody@w3.org (Tuesday, 30 May)
- nobody@w3.org (Wednesday, 17 May)
- nobody@w3.org (Tuesday, 16 May)
- nobody@w3.org (Sunday, 14 May)
- nobody@w3.org (Thursday, 11 May)
- nobody@w3.org (Friday, 5 May)
- nobody@w3.org (Tuesday, 18 April)
- nobody@w3.org (Tuesday, 18 April)
- nobody@w3.org (Tuesday, 18 April)
- nobody@w3.org (Saturday, 1 April)
[I18N ITS editor's call] Teleconference Minutes 2006-04-07
[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-04-05
[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-04-12
[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-04-26
[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-05-03
[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-05-10
[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-06-07
[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-06-14
[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-06-21
[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-06-28
A workaround for Conref?
Action item http://www.w3.org/2006/04/26-i18nits-minutes.html#action11
Action item http://www.w3.org/2006/04/26-i18nits-minutes.html#action13
Action item http://www.w3.org/2006/04/26-i18nits-minutes.html#action24 and schema - check
Action Item: http://www.w3.org/2006/04/19-i18nits-minutes.html#action01 (handling of inclusions)
- Lieske, Christian (Tuesday, 25 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Tuesday, 25 April)
- Yves Savourel (Tuesday, 25 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Tuesday, 25 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Monday, 24 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Monday, 24 April)
- Yves Savourel (Monday, 24 April)
- Sebastian Rahtz (Monday, 24 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Monday, 24 April)
Action Item: http://www.w3.org/2006/04/20-i18nits-minutes.html#action05 (talking about "techniques doc" in "spec")
Action Item: http://www.w3.org/2006/04/20-i18nits-minutes.html#action08 (process="no" flag)
Change proposals: Christian's "introduction" section
Comments on Conformance section (part 1)
Comments on Conformance section (part 2)
Comments on the specification (part 3)
Computational linguistic markup
Computational Linguistic Markup (CLM)
Discussions for this week
Elements within text
- Yves Savourel (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Felix Sasaki (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Yves Savourel (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Sebastian Rahtz (Sunday, 30 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Saturday, 29 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Friday, 28 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Friday, 28 April)
- Yves Savourel (Friday, 28 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Friday, 28 April)
- Andrzej Zydron (Friday, 28 April)
- Yves Savourel (Friday, 28 April)
Feedback about requirements document
Inheritance in DITA / XLIFF
Integreated changes in sec "introduction" and "basic concepts"
ITS Face-to-Face meeting April 2006 (Oxford) minutes, day 1 (18 April, Tuesday)
ITS tagset changelog: Added section on constraints check
ITS tagset: versioning
ITS Teleconf - Wednesday Apr-26-2006 14:00 UT
ITS Teleconf - Wednesday Jun-07-2006 14:00 UTC
ITS Teleconference Minutes 2006-05-31
ITS: global attributes without prefix
Linguistic Markup language
LISA OSCAR GMX/V Open for public comment
locInfo ... Global rules
Occurences of <rules> element in document and linking
Pointing to techniques from best practises
Possible wording for acknowledged but yet uncovered requirement related to non-textual content
- Felix Sasaki (Saturday, 29 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Thursday, 27 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Thursday, 27 April)
- Sebastian Rahtz (Thursday, 27 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 27 April)
- Yves Savourel (Thursday, 27 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 27 April)
- Yves Savourel (Thursday, 27 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 27 April)
- Yves Savourel (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Sebastian Rahtz (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Wednesday, 26 April)
Reply to last call comment on "Internationalization Tag Set"
Req and BP Updated
Ruby discussion topic
Summary of consensus
Techniques document feedback
Teleconference Minutes 2006-05-17
Teleconference Minutes 2006-05-24
Text about "language information data category"?
The termRef, locInfoRef attributes
- Felix Sasaki (Saturday, 8 April)
- Yves Savourel (Friday, 7 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Friday, 7 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 6 April)
- Yves Savourel (Thursday, 6 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 6 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Thursday, 6 April)
- Yves Savourel (Thursday, 6 April)
- Yves Savourel (Thursday, 6 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 6 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Thursday, 6 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 6 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Thursday, 6 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 6 April)
- Lieske, Christian (Thursday, 6 April)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 6 April)
- Yves Savourel (Wednesday, 5 April)
Last message date: Friday, 30 June 2006 16:49:03 UTC