ITS Teleconf - Wednesday Apr-26-2006 14:00 UT

I18N ITS Teleconference:

Wednesday, Apr-26-2006

14:00 UTC (7am Seattle, 8am Boulder, 15:00 Dublin, London,
14:00 Rabat, 16:00 Grenoble, Waldorf, 19:30 Kolkata, 11pm Tokyo)

Please send regrets if unable to attend
*** Please read linked items in advance
*** Please send additional topics you would like to cover
TO: ysavourel at translate period com

Bridge               : +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
Conference code      : 4186 (spells "I18N")
Duration             : 60 minutes
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IRC channel          : #i18nits on

1) Review Action Items

-01 [NEW]: Felix to write a paragraph about the version attribute

-02 [NEW]: Yves to send a mail to ask for the dates of the next f2f
-03 [PENDING]: Everybody to think about which W3C working groups shoud comment on the tagset last call draft

-04 [PENDING]: Discussion on versionning
Done at the F2F
-05 [NEW]: All make sure "rules" is using non-prefix attributes in all samples and test

-06 [NEW]: Christian to propose a wording for the inclusion issue
(And following thread)

-07 [NEW]: Christian to integrate changes in section 1.1 and 1.2 within 2 weeks.

-08 [NEW]: Felix to change the ODD to have no-prefixed attributes at the rules element (with SR help).

-09 [NEW]: Felix to check how license should be handled in the schema.

-10 [NEW]: Felix to produce descriptions for each entry in the schema.

-11 [NEW]: Felix to specify the "required-ness" of attributes when needed in the schemas

-12 [NEW]: Sebastian and Felix to add comment in ODD to have it inside the generated schema to explain how it was created. and where
to get more info.

-13 [NEW]: Sebastian to get rid of "empties" from generated schema

-14 [NEW]: Yves to change its implementation to fix its:translate/translate
-15 [NEW]: Yves to send his docbook+ITS schema and the description of it to Felix;

-16 [NEW]: Felix to integrate docbook+ITS into the tagset draft

-17 [NEW] Yves to work on the Requirements document for publication at the same time as the Last call of the specification.

-18 [NEW]: All to try out the "translate" test case to achieve compatibility of output

-19 [NEW]: All to work on examples: Christian takes 1-9, Felix 10-18, Sebastian 19-28, Yves 29 - 37

-20 [NEW]: Christian to change the statement about the requirements in the introduction

-21 [NEW]: Christian to write s.t. about the "process=no" flag proposal for the tagset draft

-22 [NEW]: Felix to add a rbspanPointer attribute to rubyRule

-23 [NEW]: Felix to change the RFC 2119 keywords to upper case

-24 [NEW]: Felix to cut sec. 7 out of the tagset draft, to make it ready for the techniques document

-25 [NEW]: Richard to discuss the third conformance level of ruby to the core working group

-26 [NEW]: Richard to discuss with people whether we should change the title of the "techniques doc" to "best practices", before
last call of tagset draft

-27 [NEW]: Richard to give Yves the latest stylesheets and css etc. for the techniques document

-28 [NEW]: Sebastian to validate the examples in the spec

-29 [NEW]: Yves to explore the reference attributes (termRef, locRef) with regard to spliting URI "base versus fragment"

-30 [NEW]: Yves to rework the requirements document

2) Discussion

- "Attaching information to the object associated to a selected node" (translate for <img/>)

3) Other Business

- Next face-to-face meeting.


Received on Monday, 24 April 2006 14:03:18 UTC