[I18N ITS] Teleconference Minutes 2006-06-28

... are at http://www.w3.org/2006/06/28-i18nits-minutes.html and below
as text.

- Felix


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                        i18n ITS working group

28 Jun 2006



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2006/06/28-i18nits-irc


          Christian, Felix, Goutam, Sebastian, Yves

          Andrzej, Diane, Najib




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]action items
         2. [6]feedback on the ITS draft
         3. [7]how to answer bugs
         4. [8]feedback from Christian's people
         5. [9]feedback in general
         6. [10]Implementation
         7. [11]test suite
         8. [12]best practices doc
         9. [13]other business
        10. [14]presentations on ITS
     * [15]Summary of Action Items

action items

   <scribe> ACTION: Felix to change the assigned persons for the
   different bugs (DONE) [recorded in

   <scribe> ACTION: Sebastian to think about a reply on the NS binding
   issue, bug 3319 (DONE) [recorded in

   Sebastian: Werner excepts it, we are waiting for Michaels response

   <scribe> ACTION: Yves to get back to Kara for feedback (ONGOING)
   [recorded in

   <scribe> ACTION: Yves to look into
   [19]http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3126 (PENDING)
   [recorded in

     [19] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3126

   <scribe> ACTION: Andrzej and everybody who has time to look at
   OpenDocument for creating a section in the modularization (PENDING)
   [recorded in

   <scribe> ACTION: Diane to look if there is any Boeing XML document
   type where ITS could be tried out (PENDING) [recorded in

   <scribe> ACTION: Felix to check how to create path description with
   DOM (PENDING) [recorded in



   <scribe> ACTION: Sebastian and Yves to look at the namespace issue
   mentioned at
   115.html (ONGOING) [recorded in


   Sebastian: looked at it today
   ... in my implementation, that is the only thing I have left to
   figure out

   <scribe> ACTION: Yves to get DocBook feedback from Norm (PENDING)
   [recorded in

feedback on the ITS draft

   Sebastian: the bug on the "translate" attribute
   ... we had it before, but maybe it does not matter

     [28] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3408

   Christian: We discussed this before, why did we stick with

   Yves: Other vocabularies have the same name

   Sebastian: It would help if the reply could mention another

   Yves: e.g. DITA
   ... I will write an answer in that sense

how to answer bugs

   Yves: sometimes it requires some addition in the spec
   ... so we would give that as a note in the buglist

   Sebastian: Everybody from the group can give feedback, not only the

   Felix: everybody, please do so

feedback from Christian's people

   Christian: one comment about unqiue identifiers:
   ... so far we have addressed them only in the best practices
   ... the other point: about defaults:
   ... in e.g. XSLT, defaults are harmful
   ... that is the reason why one commenter would not work with

   Sebastian: Did you mean not using inheritance?

   Christian: The person did not differentiate between inheritance and

   Sebastian: we use XPath to have a rule-based system
   ... so there is nothing to do about it?

   Felix: ITS is similar to XQuery and XSLT - they apply XPath, in
   various ways
   ... Christian, will this be a last call comment?

   Christian: I will check

   <scribe> ACTION: Christian to check whether the inheritance /
   default comment should be a last call comment [recorded in

   yves: about the unique ID stuff: we address it in the guidelines
   ... we don't have a way to associate an ID with the concept of an ID

   Felix: so similar to langPointer?

   Yves: might be useful. Not sure if we need it
   ... Christian?

   Christian: Not sure
   ... we said what we don't tackle this requirement

   Yves: I would drop that issue

feedback in general

   Felix: I will make timelines for comments now and write answers

   Yves: will we have a report on the closed bugs?

   Felix: can be generated easily with XSLT, I will do that


   Yves: Felix, any changes?

   Felix: made a javascript visualization on top of my existing
   ... still needs some changes

   Sebastian: Is there a default value for translatability?

   Felix: I think attributes "no", elements "yes"

   Yves: it is not in the spec yet

   <scribe> ACTION: Felix to draft a proposal about defaults for all
   data categories [recorded in

test suite

   Yves: no other news

best practices doc

   Yves: any news?
   ... we got some change on the template from Richard, I used his new

other business

   Christian: Report on presentation about ITS
   ... purpose was to gather feedback
   ... and to facilitate implementations
   ... I invited people with various backgrounds
   ... in the presentation, I introduced some of the basic concepts of
   our work
   ... I sketched some issue we encounter
   ... and the way ITS addresses the issues
   ... who has to say s.t. about content? what does she say? how is it
   said with ITS?
   ... the presentation was very well received
   ... as for conformance criteria, we have to see what parts of ITS
   will be implemented

   Yves: good
   ... will you have another session like that?

   Christian: as for follow-up sessions:
   ... after the last call comments have been answered:
   ... I have to talk to people who have sponsered the activity
   ... also related to the new charter we have to think about

presentations on ITS

   yves: something on track?

   Christian: Nothing except what I mentioned before
   ... there is the magazin multilingual technology
   ... we published s.t. about lexical data and semantic web in the
   latest issue

   Yves: adjourned

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Christian to check whether the inheritance / default
   comment should be a last call comment [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Felix to draft a proposal about defaults for all data
   categories [recorded in

   [PENDING] ACTION: Andrzej and everybody who has time to look at
   OpenDocument for creating a section in the modularization [recorded
   in [33]http://www.w3.org/2006/06/28-i18nits-minutes.html#action05]
   [PENDING] ACTION: Diane to look if there is any Boeing XML document
   type where ITS could be tried out [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Felix to check how to create path description with
   DOM [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Sebastian and Yves to look at the namespace issue
   mentioned at
   115.html [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Yves to get back to Kara for feedback [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: Yves to get DocBook feedback from Norm [recorded
   in [39]http://www.w3.org/2006/06/28-i18nits-minutes.html#action09]
   [PENDING] ACTION: Yves to look into
   [40]http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3126 recorded in

     [40] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3126

   [DONE] ACTION: Felix to change the assigned persons for the
   different bugs [recorded in
   [DONE] ACTION: Sebastian to think about a reply on the NS binding
   issue, bug 3319 [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [44]scribe.perl version 1.127
    ([45]CVS log)
    $Date: 2006/06/28 15:03:00 $

     [44] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [45] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Wednesday, 28 June 2006 15:08:29 UTC