Re: Possible wording for acknowledged but yet uncovered requirement related to non-textual content

I propose this as a placeholder:

<p>The selection of the ITS data categories applies to text nodes. In
some cases these nodes form pointers to other resources; a well-known
example is the <att>src</att> attribute on the <gi>img</gi> element in
HTML. The ITS translate and localize data categories apply to the
text of the pointer itself, not the object to which it points. Thus in
this example:
  <egXML xmlns="">
    <p xmlns:its="">As you can see in
    <img src="instructions.jpg" its:translate="yes"/>,
    the truth is not always out there.</p>
the translation information applies to the filename
"instructions.jpg", and is not an instruction to open the
graphic and change the words therein.</p>

Sebastian Rahtz

Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

OSS Watch: JISC Open Source Advisory Service

Received on Wednesday, 26 April 2006 15:52:17 UTC