Pointing to techniques from best practises

Interestingly I just came across http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/techs/SpecifyingCharacterEncoding

which is a companion to http://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/#iddiv2220160440

whereby the Mobile Web folks move the actual techniques for specifying character encodings to a regularly updatable (wiki) form, and use the best practises document just to get you to do the right thing.  This is similar to the approach I have been thinking we should take with the GEO techniques/best practises docs, and may be a interesting example to consider for ITS folks too.


Richard Ishida
Internationalization Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)


Received on Thursday, 4 May 2006 13:50:14 UTC