Re: Versioning

Lieske, Christian wrote:
> Hello,
> Please find my replies below.
> Best,
> Christian 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Felix Sasaki [] 
> Sent: Donnerstag, 6. April 2006 16:15
> To: Lieske, Christian
> Cc: Yves Savourel;
> Subject: Re: Versioning
> ...
>> I still see a need for a version attribute on the rules element
>> (beneficial for example for linked rules files since those files
>> otherwise would not have an indicator to which version they belong).
> we decided to link via a xlink attribute which points to a file. If the
> top element of that file has a version attribute, you will take the
> version. If not, the version is the one indicated at the top element of
> the including file.
> Where is the problem / tricky case with this solution?
> CL> The top-level elements of the file to which the xlink goes is
> "rules", right?


> CL> In that case, you would have/need the version element on "rules".

but that is just because "rules" serves as a top level element. If there
are several rules in the same file, you would not need the version
attribute, and it would rather confuse things, I think.

- Felix

Received on Thursday, 6 April 2006 14:32:48 UTC