2013-05-23 minutes
[fyi] "Google adds JSON-LD support to Search and Google Now"
[GLD] minutes of 2013-05-30.
[ORG] CR candidate render and CR duration question
[ORG] CR preparation
[ORG] Implementations?
[QB-UCR] Review comments
[QB] CR preparation
[QB] One more editorial fix
ACTION-104 Some text on URI persistence
ADMS and RegOrg, ready for publication?
ADMS progress
ADMS review
ADMS updated
ADMS updated. It and RegOrg ready to go?
API description (ref DCAT)
AW: [QB-UCR] Review comments
AW: AW: [QB-UCR] Review comments
AW: FPWD and Working Group Note defs for QB UCR discussion
AW: LD Glossary - feedback on form of publishing
AW: QB UC WG Note - Call for Reviewers
AW: W3C GLD WG Thur 02-May-2013 — Meeting Agenda
CFP: First International Workshop on Semantic Statistics (SemStats 2013) @ ISWC 2013
Comments on ADMS draft
DCAT Application profile public review period
DCAT Last Call issues: Category and Category Scheme
DCAT versioning or dct:modified property use
def'n of resource?
Error in DCAT spec.
Final Linked Data Glossary (was Re: def'n of resource?)
- Dave Reynolds (Friday, 24 May)
- John Erickson (Friday, 24 May)
- Bernadette Hyland (Friday, 24 May)
- Bernadette Hyland (Friday, 24 May)
- John Erickson (Friday, 24 May)
- Dave Reynolds (Friday, 24 May)
- John Erickson (Friday, 24 May)
- Dave Reynolds (Friday, 24 May)
- Bernadette Hyland (Thursday, 23 May)
- Bernadette Hyland (Thursday, 23 May)
- John Erickson (Thursday, 23 May)
- Dave Reynolds (Thursday, 23 May)
- Dave Reynolds (Thursday, 23 May)
- Biplav Srivastava (Thursday, 23 May)
- Sandro Hawke (Thursday, 23 May)
- Sandro Hawke (Thursday, 23 May)
- Dave Reynolds (Thursday, 23 May)
- Ghislain Atemezing (Thursday, 23 May)
- Marios Meimaris (Thursday, 23 May)
- Biplav Srivastava (Thursday, 23 May)
- Sandro Hawke (Thursday, 23 May)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 22 May)
- Bernadette Hyland (Wednesday, 22 May)
FPWD and Working Group Note defs for QB UCR discussion
Free Linked Open Data Webinar on CubeViz - a facetted browser for statistical data
Fwd: Data Cube ready to go
Fwd: JSON-LD review
Fwd: We're making a lot more data open to the public
GLD WG feedback on JSON-LD and API
GLD WG feedback on JSON-LD and API // RDF-ISSUE-135
glossary diff
glossary entry: 5 Star Linked Data
Greek and Italian Implementation experience of ORG
ISSUE-66 (DCAT-dataset): Define dcat:dataset as sub property of dcterms:hasPart [DCAT]
ISSUE-67 (DCATdatastContact): Add contactPoint to dcat:Dataset [DCAT]
JSON-LD and API editorial review
JSON-LD editorial review (JSON-LD API to follow)
JSON-LD review
LD Glossary - feedback on form of publishing
Meeting minutes
Minutes from today's meeting
Open Data Stack Exchange
ORG and reuse of vCard Ontology
ORG browser
Please add your organization to the updated W3C Directory
QB UC WG Note - Call for Reviewers
QB Use Case WG Note - Call for Reviewers
RDF-JSON glossary definition
Re Tomorrow's agenda (delayed delivery)
RegOrg updates
Status update on GLD Community Directory & getting together by telecon/skype?
Towards a stable proposal for Vocab conformance in BP doc
Vocabulary visualization - can you help?
W3C GLD WG meeting Thursday 23-May-2013
W3C GLD WG Thur 02-May-2013 — Meeting Agenda
W3C GLD WG Thur 09-May-2013 — Meeting Agenda
W3C GLD WG Thur 15-May-2013 - Meeting Agenda
W3C GLD WG Thur 15-May-2013 — Meeting Agenda
W3C GLD WG Thur 30-May-2013
Last message date: Friday, 31 May 2013 11:14:32 UTC