1st draft of mobileOK Pro Tests available online
[agenda] Agenda for BPWG Call 2008-02-07
[agenda] Agenda for BPWG Call 2008-02-14
[agenda] Agenda for tomorrow's call
[minutes] [for tracking purposes] F2F mobileOK Pro - day 1 - 5 February 2008
[minutes] [for tracking purposes] F2F mobileOK Pro - day 2 - 6 February 2008
[minutes] Thursday 14 February BPWG Teleconference
[minutes] Thursday 21 February 2008 Teleconf
[minutes] Thursday 28 February 2008 Teleconf
[minutes] Thursday 7 February Teleconf
[mobileOK Pro] dedicated public-bpwg-pro mailing-list created
ACTION 664: Some Examples for the "from MWBP 1.0 to WCAG 2.0" document
ACTION-541: MobileOK Scheme Document - Feedback on Kai's original ACTION-532
ACTION-593 Write a summary of preliminary work to be done for this working group to focus on Best Practices for Web applications
ACTION-638: Raise an issue on ISSUE: Does the TF need to create device which emulates the DDC for testing?
ACTION-639: Create a more elaborate charter with times, deliverables
- Alan Chuter (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Jo Rabin (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Alan Chuter (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Jo Rabin (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich (Tuesday, 12 February)
ACTION-643: Post the test format to the list
ACTION-649: Create a telco for the TF on a weekly basis
ACTION-658: Amend charter with black box part
ACTION-660 Reprise (was RE: Relationship to other WCAG in BP2 draft)
ACTION-660: Input to BP2, on Conservative use of network traffic
ACTION-660: Input to BP2, on Constraints and Capabilities of the Mobile Context - Interaction Issues
ACTION-660: Input to BP2, on Constraints and Capabilities of the Mobile Context - Presentation Issues
ACTION-660: Input to BP2, on Personalization
ACTION-660: Input to BP2, on Security and Privacy
- Sullivan, Bryan (Friday, 15 February)
- Sullivan, Bryan (Friday, 15 February)
- Sean Owen (Friday, 15 February)
- Sullivan, Bryan (Friday, 15 February)
- Skytta Timo (Nokia-S&S/Espoo) (Friday, 15 February)
- Sean Owen (Friday, 15 February)
- Holley Kevin (Centre) (Friday, 15 February)
- Sullivan, Bryan (Friday, 15 February)
- Sean Owen (Thursday, 14 February)
- Sullivan, Bryan (Thursday, 14 February)
- Sean Owen (Thursday, 14 February)
- Sullivan, Bryan (Thursday, 14 February)
ACTION-660: Input to BP2, on Use of Cookies and Redirection
ACTION-660: Input to BP2, on User Awareness and Control
ACTION-660: Input to BP2, Scope and Criteria
BP 2.0 and Android
Continuation of discussion from today's call
Followup: ACTION-541: MobileOK Scheme Document [was Summarize Jo's comment and my document and place into a W3C template]
Followup: ACTION-541: Summarize Jo's comment and my document and place into a W3C template
ISSUE-228: check the checker by end of April
ISSUE-236: Does the mobileOK TF need to create device which emulates the DDC for testing? [mobileOK Pro tests]
ISSUE-237 (Define Mobile Web Applications)
ISSUE-237 (Define Mobile Web Applications): What is the definition of a "
ISSUE-237 (Define Mobile Web Applications): What is the definition of a "Mobile W
ISSUE-237 (Define Mobile Web Applications): What is the definition of a "Mobile Web Application" for the purposes of BP2? [Mobile Web Applications Best Practices]
- Magnus Lönnroth (Monday, 25 February)
- Jo Rabin (Sunday, 24 February)
- Sullivan, Bryan (Sunday, 24 February)
- Sean Owen (Sunday, 24 February)
- Sullivan, Bryan (Saturday, 23 February)
- Holley Kevin (Centre) (Saturday, 23 February)
- Sullivan, Bryan (Friday, 22 February)
- Jo Rabin (Friday, 22 February)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Friday, 22 February)
- Magnus Lönnroth (Friday, 22 February)
- Sullivan, Bryan (Friday, 22 February)
- Jo Rabin (Thursday, 21 February)
- Sullivan, Bryan (Thursday, 21 February)
- Sean Owen (Thursday, 21 February)
- Holley Kevin (Centre) (Thursday, 21 February)
- Sean Owen (Thursday, 21 February)
- Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich (Thursday, 21 February)
- Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Issue Tracker (Thursday, 21 February)
ISSUE-238 (POWDER): Use of Powder to "label" CT proxies and Server Preferences for CT
Minutes of the mobileOK Pro Task Force telephone conference of 2008-02-27
mobileOK Basic Tests 1.0 "Checker" beta released
mobileOK Pro f2f meeting summary (was Re: [agenda] Agenda for BPWG Call 2008-02-07)
MobileOK Tests (was [agenda] Agenda for BPWG Call 2008-02-07)
MobileOK Tests, Basic and Pro
Relationship to other WCAG in BP2 draft
Sampling and scope for MobileOK (Pro)
Suggested BP for BP 2 : Minimize the number of interactions with the server via XMLHttpRequest
Suggested BP for BP 2 : Minimize the number of script files
Suggested BP for BP 2 : Minimize the size of script files
Suggested BP for BP 2 : Provide non-AJAX alternatives to your applications
Suggested BP for BP 2 : Use Javascript reflection to check for available functio
Suggested BP for BP 2 : Use Javascript reflection to check for available functionalities avoiding the user agent string
Suggested BP for BP 2 : Use script for the dynamic aspects of the user interface
Suggested BP for BP2
Suggested BP for BP2: Make good use of css to minimize HTML.
Suggested BPs for BP 2
Suggestions for "from MWBP 1.0 to WCAG 2.0" document
Unit of test for MOK Pro
Update to BP2 draft
Update to BP2 draft - some feedback
Usefulness of compliance section in Web Accessible Mobile document
W3C Workshop on the Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social Development
Widgets Re: ISSUE-237 (Define Mobile Web Applications)
Last message date: Friday, 29 February 2008 15:51:59 UTC