from May 2016 by subject

"children presentational"

(meeting minutes) RE: Agenda for Monday, 23 May 2016 ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Task Force

48 hour Call For Consensus regarding Resolutions from the May 19, 2016 ARIA Working Group meeting

6 day Call For Consensus regarding Resolutions from the May 19, 2016 ARIA Working Group meeting

7 Day Call for Consensus May 5, 2016 ARIA Working Group Resolutions

[AAPI] Minutes UAI TF Meeting, Tuesday 24 May 2016

[AAPI] Minutes UAI TF Meeting, Tuesday 3 May 2016

[AAPI] Minutes UAI TF Meeting, Tuesday 31 May 2016

[AAPI] UAI TF Meeting Agenda Tue Apr 26, 2016

[AAPI] UAI TF Meeting Agenda Tue May 24, 2016

[AAPI] UAI TF Meeting Agenda Tue May 31, 2016


[ARIA 1.1 testing] Accprobe source code

[CORE-AAM] Action 2056

[public-aria] <none>

Action 2044

ACTION-2039 proposal for revisions to aria-autocomplete description ready for review

Action-2044: Conflict resolution with none/presentational roles

ACTION-2069: Proposal to resolve issue 1028 with the separator role

ACTION-2069: Revised separator role ready for review

Agenda ARIA 2 June 2016

Agenda for Monday, 16 May 2016 ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Task Force

Agenda for Monday, 2 May 2016 ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Task Force

Agenda for Monday, 23 May 2016 ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Task Force

Agenda minutes for Monday, 2 May 2016 ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Task Force

Agenda: May 19, 2016 WAI-ARIA Working Group

Agenda: May 19, 2016 WAI-ARIA Working Group (updated agenda)

Agenda: May 26, 2016 WAI-ARIA Working Group

Agenda: May 5, 2016 WAI-ARIA Working Group

ARIA Authoring Practices TF canceled on 30 May 2016

ARIA in HTML review

ARIA password role

aria-ACTION-2060: See if should be added to w3c script repository, and what the update policy is

aria-ACTION-2061: Speak with apple about voiceover rendering, rendered text for passwords

aria-ACTION-2062: Work with apa to address password roles/elements/credential management in a secure environment for tpac

aria-ACTION-2063: Research why it says "user agents might use aria-activedescendant..."

aria-ACTION-2064: The ATK/AT-SPI2 mappings for aria-readonly need to be updated.

aria-ACTION-2065: Add this statement to the core-aam: “user agents are not expected to validate that the active descendant is a descendant of the focused container. “

aria-ACTION-2066: Include spec. text in 5.6.4 for automatic computation of posinset and setsize for menuitems and their subclasses.

aria-ACTION-2067: Write text to state the order of aria-owns ids wrt. the dom child order and sequential aria-owns ids

aria-ACTION-2068: Address issue 1106

aria-ACTION-2069: Write proposal to resolve issue 1028 for the separator role

aria-ACTION-2070: Add uia range value pattern to the range related roles in the role mapping table (e.g., slider).

aria-ACTION-2071: Implement the presentational children resolution from action-2006 see cfc:

aria-ACTION-2072: Provide draft text for password by 6/2/16

aria-ACTION-2073: ATK/AT-SPI mapping of role="separator", when it is a widget (window splitter).

aria-ACTION-2074: UIA mapping of role="separator", when it is a widget (window splitter).

aria-ACTION-2075: AXAPI mapping of role="separator", when it is a widget (window splitter).

aria-ACTION-2076: MSAA/IA2 mapping of role="separator", when it is a widget (window splitter).

aria-ACTION-2077: Recruit people to implement Webdriver automated accessibility testing for MSAA+IA2 and AXAPI


aria-errormessage mappings

aria-ISSUE-1026 (Drive mapping of aria-errormessage for AAPIs): AAPI mappings for aria-errormessage [ARIA 1.1 Core Mapping Specification]

aria-ISSUE-1027: Introduce an aria-valuestep property for range widgets [ARIA 2.0]

aria-ISSUE-1028 (SeparatorNotWidget): Separator is a structure but the description says it can be interactive [ARIA 1.1]

aria-ISSUE-1029 (Interactive vs. static separators): Add mappings for interactive separator (window splitter). [ARIA 1.1 Core Mapping Specification]

aria-ISSUE-1030 (Role password mappings): Specify mappings for role="password" for all AAPIs [ARIA 1.1 Core Mapping Specification]

aria-ISSUE-1031 (Webdriver automated accessibility testing): Implement Webdriver automated accessibility testing framework for testing ARIA in various AAPIs [ARIA 1.1 Core Mapping Specification]

aria-valuestep or equivalent needed to make range widgets operable by AT

Authoring Practices split

Authoring Practices split (pull request made last night to old repsoitory)

Confusion with spec name for "Accessible Name Computation"

Draft Minutes: May 19, 2016 WAI-ARIA Working Group

Editors draft missing subclass roles and text role is still there

Fwd: [CORE-AAM] Action 2056

Fwd: Resending: Action 2039

Fwd: TPAC 2016 Registration Now Open

HTML5.1 review

Mapping of HTML select

Meaning of strong

meeting minutes: May 12, 2016 WAI-ARIA Working Group

minutes ARIA meeting May 26, 2016

Minutes for Monday, 9 May 2016 ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Task Force

Minutes: May 5, 2016 ARIA Working Group

Open-source Accessibility Test Automation using WebDriver and UIA

Password role proposal: Freedom Scientific response

Regrets for the next two weeks

role="password" is not wise

Role=table plus aria-owns, expectations versus reality


Tentative Agenda for Monday, 9 May 2016 ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Task Force

The use of aria-readonly on contenteditable elements

Timeline for ARIA 1.1

Treeview widget examples for APG are ready for review

Updated draft of Landmark example for ARIA Authoring Practices Guide

Updated landmark examples for APG are ready for review

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 May 2016 20:45:38 UTC