Re: Confusion with spec name for "Accessible Name Computation"

We can discuss. This impact the SVG AAM as well. On Windows systems name is the appropriate term and it was first introduced in 1995. I would need to reeducate a lot of people at IBM too. 

Can you give us a link to where you found the concerns?



Rich Schwerdtfeger

> On May 12, 2016, at 2:31 PM, James Craig <> wrote:
> I've heard some confusion recently that the spec name for "Accessible Name Computation" does not match the property usage ("aria-label", "aria-labelledby", HTML <label>, etc.) The concern is that "name" means different things in some accessibility APIs and @name means something else entirely in HTML.
> Will you consider changing the spec title to one of the following:
> - "Accessible Label Computation" 
> - "Text Alternative Computation"
> Or another spec title that doesn't have associated baggage of "Name."
> Thanks,
> James Craig

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2016 19:57:13 UTC