from July 2014 by subject

[Bug 14662] [UPD 3.0] 2.3.2 Updating Annotation Assertion

[Bug 17601] [XQ31] Importing XSLT function libraries

[Bug 20321] [XQ31ReqUC] DOM <-> XDM Mapping

[Bug 21963] Implicit iteration on dynamic function calls

[Bug 22258] Provide function for easy matching of HTML and DITA class attributes

[Bug 23644] [UPD 3.0] Relax update checks and allow last step of path to be updating

[Bug 24142] [xslt 3.0] xsl:copy with on-empty and validation

[Bug 24317] [xslt 3.0] Parallel splitting: the dynamic multi-coloured widgets problem

[Bug 24378] [XSLT30] xsl:on-empty on more instructions

[Bug 24512] Streamability of extension functions is not defined in the spec

[Bug 24543] [XSLT30] Supplying a streamable initial context item on a non-streamable initial mode

[Bug 24543] Supplying a streamable initial context item on a non-streamable initial mode

[Bug 24547] Streamability of accumulators, missing initial-value

[Bug 24551] [XSLT30] Enhancement: a function for getting the base output uri

[Bug 24551] Enhancement: a function for getting the base output uri

[Bug 24649] The spec currently allows non-streaming accumulators to be streamable

[Bug 24651] Streamability rules of accumulator-before/after do not help with dependency on current node

[Bug 24693] Dynamic XQuery Module Import

[Bug 24764] [xslt 3.0] xsl:context-item and the initial input sequence

[Bug 25160] [XSLT 3.0] a//c with striding CP is roaming by the rules, though we strove to make it streamable

[Bug 25174] [XSLT30] Buffering with xsl:try wrapped around xsl:stream or xsl:result-document

[Bug 25187] [XSLT30] Stylesheet for converting XML to JSON has static errors

[Bug 25195] [XSLT30] Visibility of xsl:param in xml-to-json stylesheet

[Bug 25196] [XSLT30] Availability of the xml-to-json packages

[Bug 25316] [XSLT 3.0] Streamability and numeric predicates

[Bug 25316] [XSLT 3.0] Streamabilty and numeric predicates

[Bug 25327] [XSLT30] Typo in 'sum(a/b/c)' general streamability example

[Bug 25327] Typo in 'sum(a/b/c)' general streamability example

[Bug 25375] [xslt 3.0] Maps and the implicit timezone

[Bug 25445] [XP3.1] Replace curly array constructor with a function

[Bug 25517] [xslt 3.0] xsl:mode @typed=strict|lax

[Bug 25679] [XSLT 3.0] Streamable stylesheet functions

[Bug 25701] Update references

[Bug 25821] [XSLT30] Use type determined usage (TDU) with streamable templates

[Bug 25963] [f+o 3.0] default second argument for resolve-uri()

[Bug 26268] [xslt 3.0] Context for xsl:accumulator/@initial-value

[Bug 26268] New: [xslt 3.0] Context for xsl:accumulator/@initial-value

[Bug 26289] [xslt 3.0] Binding of $value in accumulator rules

[Bug 26289] New: [xslt 3.0] Binding of $value in accumulator rules

[Bug 26308] [xslt 3.0] true|false as synonymns for yes|no

[Bug 26308] New: [xslt 3.0] true|false as synonymns for yes|no

[Bug 26324] New: XQuery 3.0's PostfixExpr is not properly represented in XQueryX 3.0

[Bug 26324] XQuery 3.0's PostfixExpr is not properly represented in XQueryX 3.0

[Bug 26328] [XSLT30] Streamable and non-streamable accumulators in grounded postures

[Bug 26328] New: Streamable and non-streamable accumulators in grounded postures

[Bug 26330] [XSLT30] The semantics for the applies-to attribute on accumulators prevents use with non-document initial context items

[Bug 26330] New: The semantics for the applies-to attribute on accumulators prevents use with non-document initial context items

[Bug 26337] New: [FO30] ends-with

[Bug 26378] New: [xslt 3.0] TODO examples

[Bug 26381] New: [xslt 3.0] [editorial] Syntax summary for xsl:mode rendered incorrectly

[Bug 26388] [XSLT30] Normative reference of XML Schema 1.1 and general references clean-up

[Bug 26388] New: [XSLT30] Normative reference of XML Schema 1.1 and general references clean-up

[Bug 26422] [XSLT30] (editorial) error XTSE0630 only applies to packages

[Bug 26422] New: [XSLT30] (editorial) error XTSE0630 only applies to packages

[Bug 26438] [xslt 3.0] xsl:package/@declared-modes

[Bug 26438] New: [xslt 3.0] xsl:package/@declared-modes

[Bug 26439] [XSLT30] fn:fold-left in streamability rules can take type-determined usage into account (from note in test)

[Bug 26439] New: fn:fold-left in streamability rules can take type-determined usage into account (from note in test)

[Bug 26443] [XSLT30] xsl:use-package/@package-version is defined as a token, but can take any string, and appears to act as regex (?)

[Bug 26443] New: [XSLT30] xsl:use-package/@package-version is defined as a token, but can take any string, and appears to act as regex (?)

[Bug 26444] [XSLT30] xsl:package in the XSLT's Schema does not match the one in the specification

[Bug 26444] New: [XSLT30] xsl:package in the XSLT's Schema does not match the one in the specification

[Bug 26453] New: [xp3.1] Lowest common supertype

[Bug 26467] [xslt 3.0] Ambiguity for xsl:global-context-item

[Bug 26467] New: [xslt 3.0] Ambiguity for xsl:global-context-item

[Bug 26468] [XSLT30] Shadow attributes do not cover the use-case for optional xsl:use-package

[Bug 26468] New: Shadow attributes do not cover the use-case for optional xsl:use-package

[Bug 26469] New: [xslt 3.0] Streamed validation

[Bug 26471] [XSLT30] xsl:accumulator-rule should optionally take a sequence constructor

[Bug 26471] New: [XSLT30] xsl:accumulator-rule should optionally take a sequence constructor

[Bug 26476] New: Signature of array:fold-right and array:fold-left

[Bug 26476] Signature of array:fold-right and array:fold-left

[Bug 26477] New: [XSLT30] (editorial) Need a defined error for "Unable to find package"

[Bug 5579] Update 1.1: In-situ validation

About proper bug-tagging, was: [Bug 25327] Typo in 'sum(a/b/c)' ....


Last message date: Thursday, 31 July 2014 16:16:56 UTC