Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-01-06
ReSpec updated
ISSUE-61: Enable note regarding Reference versions [ReSpec]
Messaging API progress (or lack of ...)
[contacts] Extending the Contacts.create() method
[contacts] PutForwards for complex contact attributes
ISSUE-60 (sysinfo-accelerometer): orientation, acceleration compass in System Information [System Information and Events API]
ISSUE-59 (sysinfo-minmaxfrequency): SysInfo: make minFrequency and maxFrequency optional
Capture API and the duration argument
Multiple capture devices?
[contacts] Draft update
[sysinfo] draft ready for review
- RE: [sysinfo] draft ready for review
- Re: [sysinfo] draft ready for review
- RE: [sysinfo] draft ready for review
- RE: [sysinfo] draft ready for review
[Calendar API] Draft Use Cases and Requirements
ISSUE-57: Setting note with a title [ReSpec]
Draft minutes, 2009-12-16
Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2009-12-16
Regrets for today's call
<device> proposal (for video conferencing, etc)
- Re: <device> proposal (for video conferencing, etc)
ACTION-38: "Should issue recommendation on the granularity of the security system" + proposal for a "Secure Credential API"
- Re: ACTION-38: "Should issue recommendation on the granularity of the security system" + proposal for a "Secure Credential API"
Hanging the APIs off navigator.device
Fwd: Features beyond HTML5
Mobile Security barcamp - 19th January 2010, Sophia Antipolis
RE: First brick in Policy Framework: Features and Capabilites?
[contacts] Contacts API update
Where do Audio/Video parameters go?
ACTION 63 - Review policy reqs document
WebGL | 3D Context for Canvas API
File API in Firefox 3.6
File API: Directories and System
- RE: File API: Directories and System
- Re: File API: Directories and System
- Re: File API: Directories and System
typos in
Draft minutes 2009-12-09
Progress report on Messaging (action-65)
Progress report on Messaging (action-65)
Fwd: Decentralized versioning system at W3C
Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2009-12-09
updated minutes 2 December 2009
[security] describing trust domain requirements for policy requirements draft
Fwd: [widgets] Request for Comments: LCWD of Widget Access Request Policy spec; deadline 13-Jan-2010
Next steps on Capture API?
UI for enabling webcam use from untrusted content
- Re: UI for enabling webcam use from untrusted content
- RE: UI for enabling webcam use from untrusted content
- Re: UI for enabling webcam use from untrusted content
Quick review of System Info
W3C TAG position on policy mechanisms for Web APIs and Services
First stab at File Writer
ISSUE-53 (respec-arrays): Respec doesn't support arrays [ReSpec]
Comparing capture* API vs <input type="file" accept="...">
- Re: Comparing capture* API vs <input type="file" accept="...">
ISSUE-52 (respec-optional): 'optional' is not recognised by ReSpec [ReSpec]
ReSpec fixes
APIs for non-interactive contexts or without explicit user consent
ISSUE-51 (respec-nullable-types): ReSpec: no support for nullable types in IDL [ReSpec]
Minutes 2009-12-02
<input type=photo> etc as Capture API
- RE: <input type=photo> etc as Capture API
- RE: <input type=photo> etc as Capture API
- RE: <input type=photo> etc as Capture API
Input to Contacts property list decision
ISSUE-50 (respec-indent): ReSpec should detect that examples are indented and remove the leading white space [ReSpec]
Filtering object pattern
Regrets for today's call
Core Device APIs
Added support for direct input in WebIDL checker
ISSUE-49 (respec-optional): ReSpec mis-parses "optional" as part of the type [ReSpec]
ISSUE-48 (respec-wrap): Wrapping WebIDL definitions in the source doesn't work, it should [ReSpec]
Callback naming
TAG work
The Device API
De-pooling the API editors
[reSpec] not sorting interface members
First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- RE: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- RE: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- RE: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- RE: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
- Re: First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)
RE: Schedule and criteria for FPWD of Contacts API
Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2009-12-02
Fwd: Welcome to the W3C web security mailing list
Re: ACTION-68 - details please!
[contacts] Propsed addition of <input file> extensions to Contacts API
- Re: [contacts] Propsed addition of <input file> extensions to Contacts API
- RE: [contacts] Propsed addition of <input file> extensions to Contacts API
[contacts] vCard version 4 update
Re: Schedule and criteria for FPWD of Contacts API
RE: [contacts] Comments on editors draft of Contacts API
- RE: [contacts] Comments on editors draft of Contacts API
- RE: [contacts] Comments on editors draft of Contacts API