Re: <input type=photo> etc as Capture API

On Fri, 04 Dec 2009 12:26:09 +0100, Robin Berjon <>  

> The code is simple enough, and typical enough, but my concern is whether  
> this approach can scale to controlling the video. So in the above I've  
> embedded the captured video in the page, but this assumes that it's  
> already been recorded. How do I grow that into something that could  
> stream it (streaming is hard enough already, I'm not sure how it marries  
> to the form metaphor)? How do I grow that into something using which I  
> could control the capture from within the document?

If the intent is actually grabbing the video stream, and embedding it in  
content, here is my proposal:

<object src="protocol:identifier/for/some/camera/">
   <param name="aperture-value" value="1.4" />
   <param name="shutter-speed" value="1/30" />

Implement File and FileReader on the <object> interface.

<object> (Or even <video>) could implement an interface for setting  
properties on the device

Arve Bersvendsen

Opera Software ASA,

Received on Friday, 4 December 2009 11:34:10 UTC