from December 2009 by subject

<device> proposal (for video conferencing, etc)

<input type=photo> etc as Capture API

[Calendar API] Draft Use Cases and Requirements

[contacts] Comments on editors draft of Contacts API

[contacts] Contacts API update

[contacts] Draft update

[contacts] Extending the Contacts.create() method

[contacts] Propsed addition of <input file> extensions to Contacts API

[contacts] PutForwards for complex contact attributes

[contacts] vCard version 4 update

[reSpec] not sorting interface members

[security] describing trust domain requirements for policy requirements draft

[sysinfo] draft ready for review

[widgets] Request for Comments: LCWD of Widget Access Request Policy spec; deadline 13-Jan-2010

ACTION 63 - Review policy reqs document

ACTION-38: "Should issue recommendation on the granularity of the security system" + proposal for a "Secure Credential API"

ACTION-68 - details please!

Added support for direct input in WebIDL checker

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2009-12-02

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2009-12-09

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2009-12-16

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-01-06

APIs for non-interactive contexts or without explicit user consent

Callback naming

Capture API and the duration argument

Comparing capture* API vs <input type="file" accept="...">

Core Device APIs

DAP Mail List Etiquette? [Was: "Something else"]

De-pooling the API editors

Draft minutes 2009-12-09

Draft minutes, 2009-12-16

File API in Firefox 3.6

File API: Directories and System

Filtering object pattern

First brick in Policy Framework: Features and Capabilites?

First stab at File Writer

First stab at the Capture API (aka Camera API)

Fwd: [widgets] Request for Comments: LCWD of Widget Access Request Policy spec; deadline 13-Jan-2010

Fwd: Decentralized versioning system at W3C

Fwd: Features beyond HTML5

Fwd: Welcome to the W3C web security mailing list

Hanging the APIs off navigator.device

Input to Contacts property list decision

ISSUE-48 (respec-wrap): Wrapping WebIDL definitions in the source doesn't work, it should [ReSpec]

ISSUE-49 (respec-optional): ReSpec mis-parses "optional" as part of the type [ReSpec]

ISSUE-50 (respec-indent): ReSpec should detect that examples are indented and remove the leading white space [ReSpec]

ISSUE-51 (respec-nullable-types): ReSpec: no support for nullable types in IDL [ReSpec]

ISSUE-52 (respec-optional): 'optional' is not recognised by ReSpec [ReSpec]

ISSUE-53 (respec-arrays): Respec doesn't support arrays [ReSpec]

ISSUE-57: Setting note with a title [ReSpec]

ISSUE-59 (sysinfo-minmaxfrequency): SysInfo: make minFrequency and maxFrequency optional

ISSUE-60 (sysinfo-accelerometer): orientation, acceleration compass in System Information [System Information and Events API]

ISSUE-61: Enable note regarding Reference versions [ReSpec]

Messaging API progress (or lack of ...)

Minutes 2009-12-02

Mobile Security barcamp - 19th January 2010, Sophia Antipolis

Multiple capture devices?

Multiple codecs for video conferencing [was: RE: <device> proposal (for video conferencing, etc)]

Next steps on Capture API?

Progress report on Messaging (action-65)

Quick review of System Info


Regrets - late for today's call

Regrets for today's call

ReSpec fixes

ReSpec updated

Schedule and criteria for FPWD of Contacts API

TAG work

The Device API

typos in

UI for enabling webcam use from untrusted content

updated minutes 2 December 2009

W3C TAG position on policy mechanisms for Web APIs and Services

WebGL | 3D Context for Canvas API

Where do Audio/Video parameters go?

Last message date: Thursday, 31 December 2009 17:32:13 UTC