- From: Arribas, Laura, VF-Group <Laura.Arribas@vodafone.com>
- Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 16:16:58 +0100
- To: "W3C Device APIs and Policy WG" <public-device-apis@w3.org>
Hi All, Sorry for the delay. Here a few comments on the current version of the Policy Requirements. Section 2. Definitions Device Capability - I'm OK with the definition for device capability. Maybe I would just add the following text from the BONDI A&S doc to better understand this concept: "Although there will be simple Device APIs that provide access only to a single Device Capability, it must be expected that there are also more complex APIs that expose multiple Device Capabilities; examples might include a camera API that provides the ability to geotag a photo with the current location, or a messaging API that provides the ability to access documents stored locally and attach them to outgoing messages. Therefore, enabling or disabling access to a specific Device Capability will not directly correspond to enabling or disabling access to a single Device API." Feature - In order to complete the definition, would it be worth mentioning something about feature addition? For example, from BONDI we could take: "The set of Device APIs is not fixed, and is expected to be extended over time, as new features become supportable (and perhaps also as features become obsolete)." ----------- Section 3. Use Cases - A couple of use cases more the Widget example: * No widget can access evil.example.org * An unsigned widget cannot launch another application without user consent ----------- Section 5. Policy Definition - I still don't understand completely what the second requirement means ("The DAP security framework MUST allow a flexible choice of policy decisions for feature access to device capabilities".) - Regarding the issues in this section, I think the CRUD approach to define features is OK. ----------- Section 6. User Control over Decisions - Small typo in the 3rd paragraph of the Rationale sub-section: "The semantics of some APIs are defined such that user interaction is essential to *make* use of the API." *make* is missing. ----------- Section 7. Identification - Would it make sense to move the 3rd, 4th and 6th requirements of this section to section 8. Access control ? - Small comment on the 4th requirement: I would remove *device* before features. - In the Rationale sub-section the last sentence is: "Using IRIs to identify capabilities and features allows the definition to be decentralized, allowing extensibility." However, one of the requirements says that device capabilities are identified by strings and not IRIs. ----------- Section 8. Access Control Issue: Is access control at feature level required or is access control at a device capability level adequate? - I'm not sure I understand this issue. In section 7 of the doc (Identification) it is already stated that: * The security framework MUST support access control decisions based on device capabilities, independent of API. * The security framework MUST support access control decisions based on features (one or more capabilities bound to a device API). It is also explained how device capabilities such as "read local filesystem" are API independent and, thus, specifying a rule which denies access to this device capability means that local files won't be acccessible for reading regardless of the API used. I think this is a reason enough to define access controle a feature level too. Another practical example that I have found when defining a policy document using BONDI: In the Camera API, http://bondi.omtp.org/api/camera.capture feature maps to 2 device capabilities: camera.capture and file.io.write. Let's imagine that the intention of the policy writer is to allow the camera to capture a picture after prompting the user. If access control is only defined at a device capability level we could have the case where one rule says that access to camera.capture is defined as "prompt-blanket", whereas another rule says that access to file.io.write is denied. In this case, defining access control at a feature level would easily solve this problem. So, IMO, both access control at a feature and a device capability level is necessary. Thanks, Laura Laura Arribas Security Technologies Researcher Vodafone Group R&D Tel: +44 (0) 7775411861 Fax: +44 (0) 1635231776 E-mail: laura.arribas@vodafone.com Vodafone Group Services Limited Registered Office: Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN Registered in England No 3802001.
Received on Friday, 11 December 2009 15:17:32 UTC