Re: Added support for direct input in WebIDL checker

On Dec 2, 2009, at 13:51 , Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
> As you may know, I have set up an on-line tool to check the correctness
> of WebIDL fragments embedded in HTML documents:
> (based on Aplix’s widlproc)
> It is unfortunately not possible to use that tool on ReSpec.js-based
> documents, since the tool works at the mark-up level rather than at the
> DOM level, and adapting it to the mark-up used by ReSpec.js would imply
> re-implementing the rather long and complex parsing algorithm
> implemented by ReSpec.js in Python or XSLT.
> As a workaround, I have added the possibility to copy and paste WebIDL
> fragments in the tool; it’s not as convenient, but hopefully will it
> still be somewhat useful.

It shouldn't be excessively hard to add a keyboard shortcut to ReSpec that would take all the generated IDL and do an XHR request against your service. It could report errors using ReSpec's internal error display too.

Robin Berjon
  robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2009 13:14:04 UTC