File API: Directories and System

Hi all,

as discussed on the call, please find in CVS a rough proposal for the Directories and System parts of the File API:

It is based on the functionality found in BONDI's file system API, with changes to integrate with FileReader and FileWriter (soon to be updated), and naming that attempts to be more vernacular. The thing that's missing from BONDI is all that relates to mounting and being notified of mounts. I'm still fuzzy about the former (can someone clarify the intended usage?), while the latter is something that's flagged for addition.

There are two entry points. One is through navigator.device.fileSystems(), which upon success lists all available FSs. Naturally that only expected to be exposed in trusted environments.

The other is a localFS attribute of window that is intended to work in the same manner as localStorage and friends. I expect that this is as far as browsers may be interested in going. I can think of some useful applications for it.

Hopefully this is a first step in clarifying how we can integrate all the components in the File API family of specifications, to make it a happy family and all, so that we can have our security cake in browsers and eat it in widgets.

Comments, rants, etc. much appreciated.

Robin Berjon
  robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Wednesday, 9 December 2009 18:19:24 UTC