(no subject)
- Eric (Sunday, 10 February)
<base> requirement (was - Web archive processing)
<HR> in <PRE>
- Graham Coward (Monday, 4 March)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Monday, 4 March)
- Jeff Hennick (Sunday, 3 March)
- Graham Coward (Saturday, 2 March)
- Klaus Johannes Rusch (Monday, 25 February)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Monday, 4 February)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Monday, 4 February)
- Klaus Johannes Rusch (Friday, 1 February)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Friday, 1 February)
- Klaus Johannes Rusch (Thursday, 31 January)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Thursday, 31 January)
- Klaus Johannes Rusch (Wednesday, 30 January)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Wednesday, 23 January)
- Klaus Johannes Rusch (Wednesday, 23 January)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Tuesday, 22 January)
<meta> tag problem
[html-tidy] <none>
[patch] plugin support for JTidy
[Tidy-dev] Bug list
[Tidy-dev] FYI: Dave Raggett's Tidy web page now redirected to SourceForge
[Tidy-dev] MakeBare and hyphens
[Tidy-dev] More interest in starter level documentation (fwd)
[Tidy-dev] Re: JTidy update
a problem with CSS and MicroSoft Internet Explorer
About printing the error list
- Fay (Thursday, 21 February)
Always outputting lowercase attributes for xhtml output
Base tag, relative vs. absolute URLs (was: Web archive processing)
Batch Processing?
br tags problem
Bug in XHTML validations?
BUG parsing HTML
Bug: HTML Tidy and tidying up Server-side Includes (SSI)
Can tidy fix this:
cfml/Tidy questions....
- Thor (Thursday, 14 February)
color conversions from word 2000
Converting HTM to XML
dec01 conflict between <ins> and <a>
declaring char-encoding in ouput xml
DOCTYPE affects Netscape 6
don't collapse two spaces at the end of a sentence
Editing blank rows
Entities, Tidy and valid XML.
FAQ: After running Tidy, my page looks broken, why?
FAQ: How do I report bugs in HTML Tidy?
FAQ: Tidy breaks my URIs by converting ampersands to &
Feature request: custom CSS class name prefix
First Page 2000 and Tidy
Fresh Email List, Super Low Price: Limited Time Only!!!
FYI Problems using Tidy under weblogic6.1
FYI: Dave Raggett's Tidy web page now redirected to SourceForge
GUI for GNU/Linux for HTML TIdy (fwd)
Heads-up: Not all the Tidy executables are automatically updated
help pls..
Help with MSHTML
Hide the @ from email-harvesting robots
How do i use this
html tidy
HTML Tidy (fwd)
html tidy and php
HTML Tidy v Adobe GoLive 5.0 ?
IE6/MS Validation Issues with custom events
java.net.UnknowHostException while creating an URL
JSP Beautify Tool
JTidy access error?
JTidy update
keeping \240 out, etc.
line parsing only
Linux tidy bug
Linux tidy bug cont.
make microsoft mess into strict html 4.01 with no stylesheet
Minor Patch to tidy (fwd)
Missing blank in a text node after validation using JTIDY
nbsp octal 240
new to jTidy, need help urgently
piping tidy output to a pager program
please don't rewrite my non-ascii links
Please remove me from each question
Possible bug in TidyCom.
Printing or saving the error list
Problem of Tidy (fwd)
Problem with <HR> tags
Putting End-Tag of New-Inline-Tag In Wrong Location When Auto-Inserting FONT tags
recursiv searching and processing of files in subfolders
Repairing incorrect tag minimisation was Re: Tags lacking a terminating '>' are spotted
Sourceforge & Win32 Binaries
Suggestion for HTML Tidy - Remove Front Page stuff (fwd)
Tags lacking a terminating '>' are spotted
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Thursday, 14 February)
- Liam Quinn (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Dave Raggett (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Liam Quinn (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Tuesday, 12 February)
- ewitness - Ben Fowler (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Sunday, 10 February)
- ewitness - Ben Fowler (Thursday, 7 February)
- ewitness - Ben Fowler (Thursday, 7 February)
- Dave Raggett (Thursday, 7 February)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Thursday, 7 February)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Thursday, 7 February)
- ewitness - Ben Fowler (Tuesday, 5 February)
- Fred Bone (Tuesday, 5 February)
- ewitness - Ben Fowler (Tuesday, 5 February)
Terminating.. [To Terry]
Text Being Moved Inside of New-Inline-Tag When Text Originally Ou tside of Tag
Tidy - <p> and <br> tags gets added as list items in lists.
Tidy and Access 2000
Tidy bug
Tidy bug report
Tidy changes all into ? in my document. :-(
Tidy for html-xml parser and embedded C++.
Tidy project user contributions Tracker now available
tidy turns > into > and pretends nothing happened
Tidy usage - was Re: Repairing incorrect tag minimisation was Re: Tags lacking a terminating '>' are spotted
Tidy: Life-Saver
TidyGUI with custom DTD?
VisualStudio.NET and DIVs with "ms_positioning" attribute
Web archive processing
- Terry Teague (Wednesday, 16 January)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Wednesday, 16 January)
- Rick Cameron (Tuesday, 15 January)
- Leonard, Kathy (Tuesday, 15 January)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Tuesday, 15 January)
- Simon Bowring (Tuesday, 15 January)
- Parsons, Rick (Tuesday, 15 January)
- Terry Teague (Tuesday, 15 January)
- Richard A. O'Keefe (Monday, 14 January)
width="n*" marked invalid on <COL>
Last message date: Sunday, 31 March 2002 23:05:04 UTC