Re: recursiv searching and processing of files in subfolders

At 9:43 AM -0500 1/17/02, Doering, Thomas wrote:
>we have to process part of a Intranet site. How could we process all html
>files in all subfolders (and 'subsubfolders) at once with HTML Tidy?

Depends on your platform.

<shameless plug>
If you use the Mac OS versions of Tidy, this is very easy. Just drag&drop
any files/folders/disks to the GUI versions of Tidy for Mac OS, change any
necessary configuration settings, click the "Use now" button, and go... If
you want to use a command line version of Tidy for Mac OS, using MPW, you
can use the powerful built-in scripting language of MPW, to easily automate
the same operation.

Be aware that I haven't released updated versions of Tidy for Mac OS, based
on the current Tidy code.
</shameless plug>

For MS-DOS/UN*X platforms, it should be very easy to write a batch
file/shell script to automate this procedure with a command line version of
Tidy. While I could probably suggest such a script, I will leave it to
others on those platforms to provide further help - I'm sure this has been
solved many times before.

Regards, Terry

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2002 03:04:07 UTC