<HR> in <PRE>

A while back there was a short thread about someone who was using a
genealogy program that insisted on putting <HR> tags inside <PRE>.

I tried the following strategy:
replace <HR ...> by </PRE><HR ...><PRE> whenever it occurred inside <PRE>.
Ideally, one would like to copy the attributes from the original <PRE>
element onto the new one.

This was followed by a round of Tidy-ing to eliminate the <PRE></PRE>
empty elements that were occasionally generated by my AWK script.

Not only did this remove the barrier to using HTML Tidy on these pages,
it actually made them legible in a browser (other than the Big Two).

I would like, therefore, to request that Tidy be modified to do this.

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2002 18:52:40 UTC