Re: <HR> in <PRE>

In <>, "Richard A. O'Keefe" <> writes:


>  - if any version of Tidy *does* change block-level tags <FOO> to
>    quasi-CDATA &lt;FOO&gt; inside <PRE> that's a really disastrous mistake
>    + if it changes all tags, that will break legal pages
>    + if it changes some tags but not others, that will NOT have the
>      "poor-man's CDATA section" effect that he says is wanted

I am NOT saying that converting everything between <pre> and </pre> as if it 
was a CDATA section is desirable but it is the output I get from the current
tidy build.

I would in fact argue that the functionality is a bad idea, however rather than
taking your wish for tidy to behave differently and possibly break another 
user's use of tidy, I would like to (1) understand why the implementation is as
it is now and (2) what the best output for tidy would be.

Klaus Johannes Rusch

Received on Monday, 25 February 2002 15:31:15 UTC