RE: JTidy update

Hi, Russell -

In the SourceForge HTML Tidy project, if you look in their CVS, you'll
see a "test" subdirectory that contains some shell scripts (testall and
testone) that do automated testing using testcase files also located in
the HTML Tidy CVS.  I'd like to be able to run JTidy through the same
tests but I thought we could use Ant instead of shell scripts.  I'd
still like to just have the one repository of test cases but be able to
use JTidy with those.

I'm really not familiar enough with JUnit, which I know is supported in
Ant, to speak with any intelligence on this issue at the moment.  I'm
not sure if JUnit could be used directly or whether we'd have to
(re)invent some kind of test harness to allow this all to happen with a
simple Ant target.

What I'd like to be able to do is just run Ant with a "test" argument
and have it run all of the tests and tell me which ones passed and which
ones failed.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Russell Gold
> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 3:45 AM
> To:;
> Subject: Re: JTidy update
> At 8:47 PM -0800 2/3/02, Gary L Peskin wrote:
> >It would be great if someone (Sami?) could "Ant"ize the automated 
> >testing that the HTML Tidy folk have done so that we can verify that 
> >our version is in sync with theirs.
> Could you be more specific? Do the tests themselves need to 
> be converted to Java and JUnit? WEhere would I look for them? 
> Or is all you need an ant script?
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> Russell Gold                     | "... society is tradition and order
>                 | and reverence, not a 
> series of cheap
>                                  | bargains between selfish 
> interests."
>          |   - Poul Anderson, "Iron"

Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2002 12:19:22 UTC