Re: [Tidy-dev] More interest in starter level documentation (fwd)

Hi Nicky,

A couple more for the FAQ:

Where Do I Get Support?

For general HTML Tidy support, the original mailing list <> 
is best.  Sometimes developers are the last to know...  Also, this list 
covers both Java and C versions, not to mention various value-added 
products such as GUI front ends, Perl and Python integration, etc.  If you 
don't get a response after a couple tries or if you have a bug fix, bump it 
over to the developer list.  It's not a hard line, but that is the general 

Which Version Should I Use?

I recommend that folks use the current Source Forge builds which you can 
find at

At my work, in a publishing/content management system, we are using a 
somewhat older build of the Source Forge code to "validate" and convert to 
XHTML.  But this is primarily because we've been running it - without any 
problems - since last fall!

People continue to report examples where Tidy doesn't catch some ill-formed 
HTML or, worse, generates ill-formed HTML.  My impression is that these 
cases have been reduced.

The net is this: download or build a current binary, but be sure to test it 
with some representative files from your environment.

For development work, I would recommend using CVS directly on your 
development system.  For information on how to pull Tidy sources from CVS, 
see  This way you can keep 
abreast of changes to Tidy and quickly resolve conflicts.

For building a front end, my personal recommendation would be to shell out 
to the command line tool and parse the output.  This way, users of your GUI 
can drop in the latest version of Tidy without even a re-link.  Different 
tools have successfully taken different approaches, however.

take it easy,

At 10:01 AM 1/24/2002 +0000, Nicky Danino wrote:
>Hi everyone, I recently discovered this list, I think it is great.
>I am putting a Widnows front end to Tidy, together with extra 
>accessibility features.
>Could you please tell me which is the latest version of the code that I 
>should be using?
>Thanks guys.
>Nicky Danino
>University of Central Lancashire
>Department of Computing
>Vernon Buildings (Room 413)
>Preston PR1 2HE
>Tel: +44 (01772) 893303
>Fax: +44 (01772) 892913
> >>> Terry Teague <> 01/24/02 08:13am >>>
>At 12:12 PM +0100 1/23/02, Lee Goddard wrote:
> >I'm new to the list - joined to see if there was any discussion.
> >It seems a bit quiet at the moment, although I did offer to
> >Windows binary build of the latest Tidy everynowandagain,
> >I got no response -- maybe the mail didnt' get through.
>Your mail got through fine - I guess people are either happy with the Win32
>Tidy executable binary I provided, or don't care - certainly doesn't worry
>me, other than I said I wouldn't provide support for the Win32 version, yet
>that doesn't seem to stop people asking for my help <grin>.
>Regards, Terry
>Tidy-develop mailing list
>Tidy-develop mailing list

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2002 08:58:12 UTC