Re: Bug: HTML Tidy and tidying up Server-side Includes (SSI)

In <>, "PRICE, Paul" <> writes:
> >So, we have someone who has HTML fragments that are to be treated as parts
> of a <body>, including all comments.
>   `tidy --show-body-only yes document.txt`

Create a shell script like the one below (or a BAT/CMD file for Windows) that 
adds surrounds the HTML fragments with <body> </body> tags, then run that 
script instead of tidy directly, i.e.

(echo "<body>"; cat "$1"; echo "</body>") | tidy --show-body-only yes

Command: document.txt

Alternatively change your include structure to place the main structural 
elements in each source file, i.e.

<!--#include virtual="/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/" -->

Klaus Johannes Rusch

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2002 14:26:28 UTC