- From: Dan Jacobson <jidanni@yahoo.com.tw>
- Date: 30 Jan 2002 04:31:37 +0800
- To: franklen@pacific.net.hk (Franklen Choi)
- Cc: html-tidy@w3.org
>>>>> "F" == Franklen Choi <franklen@pacific.net.hk> writes: F> Dear all F> I find a problem with Tidy. Each time when I use Tidy to clean up the F> codes of my document, save the document and open it again, I find there F> are lots of "?" characters. I have had a hard time in locating the F> problem, only to find that this is because Tidy converts all ' ' F> into '?'. If a ' ' is adjacent to a tag, Tidy will also trim the F> tag. So I find lots of ?br> or ?p>. yes, it puts a octal 240 = 0xA0 into the file which then combines with neighboring characters to be seen as an invalid chinese character... i want to make sure tidy won't put any 0xA0...0xFF into my files on its own. see my message regarding "240" in the archives. -- http://www.geocities.com/jidanni/ Taiwan(04)25854780 積丹尼
Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2002 18:39:40 UTC