Re: Terminating..

Well the input is not XML.. its just the code (XML look like) that produces
Word (actually every new MS product) by copying some data to clipboard..

But the idea isnt bad.. Maybe I should check the configuration closer about
the ending tags (if there were such)..

> When we look at the text in question, we find
> <P class=MsoNormal><?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></P></TD>
>                            ^^                         ^^
> In SGML, processing instructions begin with '<?' and end with '>'.
> In XML,  processing instructions begin with '<?' and end with '?>'.
> If the input is supposed to be XML, then Tidy would necessarily have
> swallowed the rest of the input at this point looking for the closing
> '?>'.  Does Tidy need a flag to treat '/>' as if it were '?>' ?
> I note that this is NOT how you declare XML namespaces.
> In XML, you can't have a name space prefix without saying what URI
> the prefix represents.  If the whole thing is a single DIV, you'd
> have
>     <DIV class=Section1 xmlns:o="">
> or whatever the URI was.

Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2002 05:13:09 UTC