keeping \240 out, etc.

Please don't put the non ascii for a nbsp, i.e. a (0240, 160, 0xa0)
into the output, as when next to a <, as in <b>, it gets eaten assuming
a Chinese big5 character, in browsers.  Now I must do |tr -d \\240 ...

--bare yes --quote-nbsp yes didn't help with the dec01 version.

By the way, I use --doctype strict and --logical-emphasis and a non
strict <U> still gets thru.

!This option specifies if Tidy should discard <FONT> and <CENTER> tags
!rather than creating the corresponding style rules, but only if the
!clean option is also set to yes.

OK, but what if we want to discard them anyway?

Tidy is smart enough to get rid of
but how about

I notice that
<A  href="#_ftn2"
keeps title="" for some reason.

--escape-cdata yes 
supposed to relieve me from doing
sed 's/<!\[if !supportFootnotes]>\(\[[0-9]\+\]\)<!\[endif]>/\1/g'
before tidy?
-- Taiwan(04)25854780

Received on Monday, 21 January 2002 10:38:51 UTC