RE: Bug: HTML Tidy and tidying up Server-side Includes (SSI)

>So, we have someone who has HTML fragments that are to be treated as parts
of a <body>, including all comments.

I have a website with dozens of small files lying around - each containing
fragments of valid HTML which get pulled together in real time by
server-side include technology. As each file often gets messy over time
through much editing, I wish to tidy them. I want Tidy to check the
structure of and format them but without removing any content whatsoever.
The command I am using is below however the first three comments get
stripped. If I should be using another command, please advise. Any help
would be appreciated.

  `tidy --show-body-only yes document.txt` 

Here is an example of the typical document.txt file:

In reality the file would have a lot more <h?>, <p>

I only want to tidy exactly what is below!

<!--#include virtual="/ssi/header-global.html" -->

<!--#include virtual="/utilities/ssi/header-utilities.html" -->

virtual="/utilities/processes/ssi/header-utilities-process.html" -->

<h2>How Utilities grants are calculated</h2>

<p>Schools are funded for the current financial year for an amount equal to
the average of the previous two financial years expenditure as reported on
the audited school financial return submitted each June.</p>

<!-- ... Many more HTML elements exist here etc ... -->

<!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/contacts.html" -->

virtual="/utilities/processes/ssi/footer-utilities-process.html" -->

<!--#include virtual="/utilities/ssi/footer-utilities.html" -->

<!--#include virtual="/ssi/footer-global.html" -->

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2002 02:29:49 UTC