FYI: Dave Raggett's Tidy web page now redirected to SourceForge

Dear Folks,

When I noticed dozens of hits to my web page today coming from
<>, I checked out the original Tidy page
<> and saw that Dave Raggett has now
redirected users to the SourceForge site.

I guess we had better get our act together and release something <grin>.

By the way, I have now got working the automatic uploading to the web site
of the Tidy sources, documentation, and executable binaries for a number of
platforms, whenever something changes. This automatic processing begins
11:30 pm PST each night, and should end around midnight (I have staggered
the various cron jobs). A little bit more fine tuning may occur. Let me
know of any problems.

Regards, Terry

Received on Monday, 7 January 2002 03:03:50 UTC