Re: tidy turns > into > and pretends nothing happened

Dan Jacobson wrote:
> Tidy turns > into > and pretends nothing happened.
> Sure, it is usually what we want, but I just don't think it is right
> for tidy to use the same 'no errors found' message for a file that is
> completely unchanged when run thru tidy, v.s. one that gets changed.

Tidy does warn about changes it makes to the document structure, e.g.
adding missing tags.
Since > and > are equivalent no warning message is issued.

> At least tell us "I changed something, not too important, use diff if
> you absolutely must see it."

The output may be different even when the structure of the document is
unchanged, and no entities have been converted -- in essence, tidy
parses the document, builds an internal tree representation of the
document and serializes the internal tree as HTML.  There is no single
"canonical" form for an HTML document, so even when no errors or
warnings are reported you should always expect the output to look
different from the input.

Klaus Johannes Rusch

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2002 04:48:50 UTC