from April to June 2013 by subject

"soundfield" panning mode is completely undefined

[Agenda] audio WG teleconference 25th April 2013

[Bug 17324] Empty interfaces serve no purpose

[Bug 17325] (ExceptionType): Undefined exception type

[Bug 17343] (AudioBufferSourceNodeState): AudioBufferSourceNode state semantics and transitions undefined

[Bug 17351] (addEventListener): AudioNode.addEventListener not defined

[Bug 17363] (BiquadFilterNode): BiquadFilterNode is underdefined

[Bug 17389] (OfflineAudioContext): Offline Audio Context

[Bug 17405] (DynamicLifetime): Dynamic Lifetime

[Bug 17793] AudioNode.disconnect() needs to be able to disconnect only one connection

[Bug 18332] Node creation method naming inconsistencies

[Bug 19561] WaveTable is poorly named

[Bug 19704] Acceptable range for value of AnalyserNode's fftSize

[Bug 20681] spatial coords should just be in metres

[Bug 20698] Need a way to determine AudioContext time of currently audible signal

[Bug 20698] Need way to determine "" time of current audio output

[Bug 20728] make 'when' parameter of start() and stop() optional

[Bug 21240] Specify what should happen when passing invalid offset/duration values to AudioBufferSourceNode.start

[Bug 21248] AudioProcessingEvent.node must be removed

[Bug 21345] There should be notification when the destination output changed

[Bug 21451] Clarify the range of valid AnalyserNode.fftSize values

[Bug 21451] New: Clarify the range of valid AnalyserNode.fftSize values

[Bug 21511] New: Remove empty AudioSourceNode interface

[Bug 21511] Remove empty AudioSourceNode interface

[Bug 21512] New: Introduction: link "use cases" to the stable Use Cases document

[Bug 21513] Features list need updating to reflect current contents of spec

[Bug 21513] New: Features list need updating to reflect current contents of spec

[Bug 21514] API Overview is missing some interfaces

[Bug 21514] New: API Overview is missing some interfaces

[Bug 21515] New: Conformance section: need to note use of MUST that is "RFC-legal" as opposed to common English usage

[Bug 21516] New: Remove "Terminology and Algorithms" section

[Bug 21516] Remove "Terminology and Algorithms" section

[Bug 21517] New: Remove AudioContext constructor code example

[Bug 21517] Remove AudioContext constructor code example

[Bug 21518] Deprecate AudioContext.createBuffer

[Bug 21518] New: Deprecate AudioContext.createBuffer

[Bug 21519] New: decodeAudioData: optional 4th argument

[Bug 21520] decodeAudioData Prose: avoid video containers that have an audio track

[Bug 21520] New: decodeAudioData Prose: avoid video containers that have an audio track

[Bug 21521] New: Specify all exception types

[Bug 21521] Specify all exception types

[Bug 21523] Make AudioContext and AudioNode Lifetime sections informative

[Bug 21523] New: Make AudioContext and AudioNode Lifetime sections informative

[Bug 21525] AudioDestinationNode does not always talk to audio hardware

[Bug 21525] New: AudioDestinationNode does not always talk to audio hardware

[Bug 21526] New: Remove sentence: "The decodeAudioData() method is preferred over the createBuffer()"

[Bug 21527] New: Add normative reference to XHR spec

[Bug 21528] New: Modifying the ArrayBuffer passed to decodeAudioData

[Bug 21529] New: OfflineAudioContext should be event target

[Bug 21529] OfflineAudioContext should be event target

[Bug 21530] New: how do multiple offline/online contexts interact

[Bug 21531] Allow Shared audio buffers between contexts

[Bug 21531] New: Allow Shared audio buffers between contexts

[Bug 21532] New: OfflineAudioContext renders as quickly as possible (not real time)

[Bug 21533] New: Proposed: recorderNode

[Bug 21534] AudioNode Interface - text for Fan-In is out of date

[Bug 21534] New: AudioNode Interface - text for Fan-In is out of date

[Bug 21535] New: AudioNode - block size limits

[Bug 21537] New: AudioNode Attributes - remove mention of AudioSourceNode

[Bug 21538] New: Add detail of connecting audio node to non audio node

[Bug 21539] New: Define the behaviour when disconnect called on an audio node connected to an audio param

[Bug 21540] Channel count missing in IDL for AudioNode

[Bug 21540] New: Channel count missing in IDL for AudioNode

[Bug 21541] Move information on multi channel to audio node definition

[Bug 21541] New: Move information on multi channel to audio node definition

[Bug 21542] New: Review 32 channel limitation on scriptProcessor, buffer and destination node

[Bug 21543] New: Specify how DelayNode deals with changes of inputs and buffers while live.

[Bug 21544] New: Specify channel count for each node

[Bug 21544] Specify channel count for each node

[Bug 21545] AudioParam - min/maxValue, intrinsic value, computedValue

[Bug 21545] New: AudioParam - min/maxValue, intrinsic value, computedValue

[Bug 21546] New: Clarify "dezippering" for AudioParam

[Bug 21547] AudioParam - add explanation of a/k rate to cross reference in node definition

[Bug 21547] New: AudioParam - add explanation of a/k rate to cross reference in node definition

[Bug 21548] New: Record all documentation that is considered developer documentation

[Bug 21549] New: AudioProcessingEvent - remove node attribute

[Bug 21550] New: PannerNode - include informative note on HRTF, point to reference/open examples

[Bug 21550] PannerNode - include informative note on HRTF, point to reference/open examples

[Bug 21551] New: PannerNode - add information on why the panner is hard coded to 2 channel only

[Bug 21562] New: BiquadFilterNode - Missing default values

[Bug 21580] New: Fix GainNode constructor example in "Modular Routing" section

[Bug 21592] New: AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate should be specified as k-rate and not a-rate

[Bug 21593] AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate valid range should be specified.

[Bug 21593] New: AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate valid range should be specified.

[Bug 21594] AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate valid range should be specified.

[Bug 21594] New: AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate valid range should be specified.

[Bug 21596] New: Spec what happens if a AudioBufferSourceNode is connected to two distinct PannerNodes

[Bug 21629] Make AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate read-only

[Bug 21629] New: Make AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate read-only

[Bug 21702] Make the usage of content sniffing for decodeAudioData explicit

[Bug 21702] New: Make the usage of content sniffing for decodeAudioData explicit

[Bug 21706] New: Neuter the outputBuffer argument to AudioProcessingEvent after the event has been dispatched

[Bug 21777] New: Specify that audioprocess events should only be dispatched to ScriptProcessorNodes when they're connected to an output node

[Bug 21777] Specify that audioprocess events should be dispatched to ScriptProcessorNodes when they're not connected to an output node

[Bug 21777] Specify that audioprocess events should only be dispatched to ScriptProcessorNodes when they're connected to an output node

[Bug 21856] New: BiquadFilterNode.detune is not specified at all

[Bug 21857] New: BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse is under-specified

[Bug 21862] [AudioContext]: 'activeSourceCount' should return number of all active Source nodes

[Bug 21862] New: [AudioContext]: 'activeSourceCount' should return number of all active Source nodes

[Bug 21980] New: WaveTable is highly underspecified

[Bug 22067] New: PATCH: Add ids to IDL code markup

[Bug 22067] PATCH: Add ids to IDL code markup

[Bug 22155] Audio spec still refers to sound-field.

[Bug 22155] New: Audio spec still refers to sound-field.

[Bug 22179] New: The default values for OscillatorNode AudioParam members are not specified

[Bug 22287] New: defaults for OscillatorNode

[Heads-Up] Next teleconference, 9th May

[MIDI] bump: Issue 1: MIDIEvent lacking constructor

[Minutes] Audio face-to-face meeting, 26/27 March 2013

[Minutes] Audio WG teleconference, 2013-06-20

[Minutes] W3C Audio Teleconference, 2013-04-25

Agenda for teleconference 20th June 2013

Allow the doppler shift from a PannerNode to be applied to any source and not just AudioBufferSourceNode


AnalyserNode attributes now specified a bit more

Analyzer vs Analyser


Audio EQ Cookbook in the W3C Web Audio API Spec

Audio Level Standardization (Was Re: DynamicsCompressorNode)


AudioContext.createBuffer to create a buffer of size 0



AudioParam.exponentialRampToValueAtTime() does not work as intended

Call-for-agenda: Audio WG teleconference 23rd May 2013

Can AudioNode.channelCount be zero?

Can users determine if audio has glitched?

Clarifying the accepted arguments to the constructor of OfflineAudioContext

Consensus on the issue of deprecated APIs and sync decoding

Constructors (was: Sites using webkitAudioContext only)

Cross-browser Web Audio high concept

Discrepancy in the definition of calculateNormalizationScale

Documentation for the Web Audio API


FFT & IFFT with the Web Audio API

Fwd: Serialization/introspection of the node graph

Fwd: WaveShaperNode.curve

GainNode with gain > 1

Handling out of range integer values

Heads-up: audio WG teleconference 25th April 2013

How to play back synthesized 22kHz audio in a glitch-free manner?

HTML WG thread on "background" audio in browser

Interpolation on WaveShaperNode?


Job positions at Ircam, Javascript / Web Audio API

MediaStreamAudioSourceNode when there's more than one audio track

MIDI discussions on github

Moving the test suite to web-platform-tests

New browser engines - what does that mean for our work on web audio / web midi

Next face to face meeting / show of hands for TPAC in Shenzen

Next publications / last call / updating our estimate milestones

Next teleconference - July 4th or 11th?

Nominal values (Was: GainNode with gain > 1)

Notes and minutes from teleconference 23/5/13

Offline rendering and large graphs

OfflineAudioContext specification gaps

Oscillator node phase

Oscillator syncing

Passing negative values to AudioParam.exponentialRampToValueAtTime

Proposal for fixing race conditions

Reconciling ConvolverNode's output channel dependencies with the mixing rules in the spec


Reminder: Audio WG teleconference tomorrow

Reminder: Audio WG teleconference tomorrow (Thursday)

Removal of AudioContext.activeSourceCount

Schedule arbitrary callback at future time

ScriptProcessorNode bufferSize should be optional

ScriptProcessorNode.channelCountMode should be explicit by default

ScriptProcessorNodes and WebWorkers

Serialization/introspection of the node graph

Shipping Web Audio support in Firefox

Sites using webkitAudioContext only

Some general feedback on the Web Audio API spec and suggestions for improvements

stability of AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackState, and activeSourceCount


Starting to experiment with testing audio processing in the spec

Synchronizing audio with other events ...

Teleconference 6th June - details and call for agenda?

Testing the Web Audio API

The DynamicsCompressorNode reduction value

The output of ConvolverNode in the absence of a convolution buffer

Tutorial on porting code using webkitAudioContext to the current AudioContext spec

Use of both numbered constants and strings


WaveShaperNode.curve issues

WaveShaperNode.oversample clarification

Web Audio API uses British spelling

WebMIDI API feedback

Last message date: Friday, 28 June 2013 15:33:10 UTC