Re: WaveShaperNode.curve

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Frederick Umminger <> wrote:

> I don't get this backward compatibility limitation. The WebAudio API is
> not a standard yet.  Any developer writing to the API is knowingly writing
> to something not yet standardized.

Unfortunately that's a bad assumption. Many developers writing to the API
have simply been told it's the future and they should use it.

> Why is there any duty at all not to break their code?

If person A writes bad code and user B tries it in browsers C and D and it
works in browser C but not D, then B blames D, not A. That, not "duty", is
the incentive for D to ensure A's code works.

If you don't want your code broken, you act as a responsible developer and
> write to the standardized APIs, not the APIs that are explicitly
> experimental and under development. If you write to an experimental API and
> then complain because your code broke, then you are just a big cry-baby.

Whatever you want to call them, they're still a problem for browser D.

By accepting this constraint of backwards compatibility, we are crippling
> the WebAudio API by limiting it to whatever was first implemented. That is
> not the way the standards process is supposed to work. The implementations
> are supposed to allow explorations of the proposed APIs in real-word
> scenarios in order to ensure their quality before they become solidified
> into an immutable standard. It seems to me we are doing this exactly
> backwards, and baking in known flaws.


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Received on Thursday, 16 May 2013 23:31:59 UTC