Tutorial on porting code using webkitAudioContext to the current AudioContext spec

Hi everyone,

I spent some time today to put up a guide on how to port old code which
targets webkitAudioContext to the standard AudioContext API.  You can find
it here: <
I'm also planning to link to Chris Wilson's monkeypatching library from
that page, but I would like to get this pull request merged first <
https://github.com/cwilso/webkitAudioContext-MonkeyPatch/pull/1>.  This
adds some more monkeypatching, and I think that's all that we can solve
without requiring people to change their code.

I would appreciate if you could please review the article and either make
edits or send me feedback where you find problems, etc.


Received on Monday, 24 June 2013 20:25:11 UTC