[Bug 20698] Need way to determine "performance.now()" time of current audio output


--- Comment #4 from Ehsan Akhgari [:ehsan] <ehsan@mozilla.com> ---
I believe we're talking about two sources of latency here, one is the clock
drift between what we measure on the main thread through
AudioContext.currentTime and the actual clock on the audio thread, and the
other latency is between the "play" call from the audio thread to the point
where the OS actually starts to hand off the buffer to the sound card (and
another one of potentially a delay until your speakers start to play out what
was received on the sound card.)  With all of that, if the implementation also
uses system level APIs which do not provide enough resolution (as is the case
on Windows XP, for example), there is another artificial latency that is
introduced in the calculations because of the unability to measure time
precisely enough.

The use case of syncing the display of something on the screen with sound
coming out of speakers is very hard to satisfy, since browsers generally do not
provide any guarantee on when the updates resulting from a change in the DOM
tree or a Web API call will be reflected on the screen.  On an implementation
which strives to provide a 60fps rendering, this delay can be as high as 16ms
in the best case, and much more than that if the implementation is suffering
from frame misses.  So, no matter what API we provide here, there will _always_
be a delay involved in getting stuff on the screen.

For the MIDI use case, I imagine knowing the latest measured drift from the
audio thread clock and what AudioContext.currentTime returns should be enough,

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Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2013 18:40:24 UTC