from February 2015 by thread

Re: social-ACTION-34: add explaination to the spec about multiple serializations used in examples ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Saturday, 28 February)

Re: social-ACTION-11: Expand on Facebook APIs ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Saturday, 28 February)

Social Web WG agenda for 3 March 2015 Arnaud Le Hors (Friday, 27 February)

Sorting out User Stories Evan Prodromou (Thursday, 26 February)

social-ACTION-40: Invite annotations wg Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker (Tuesday, 24 February)

Fwd: Vocabulary Considerations for xAPI ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Monday, 23 February)

social-ISSUE-14 (elf-pavlik): as:Link adds a lot of complexity, if we keep it we need to clarify consequences of using it instead of as:Object [Activity Streams 2.0] Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker (Monday, 23 February)

Re: clear strategy for multiple AS2.0 serializations? ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Monday, 23 February)

Vast majority of WG and IG members still need to vote on user-stories Harry Halpin (Sunday, 22 February)

Server administrator & accounts on shared instances (+ToS) ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Sunday, 22 February)

aboyet votes are mine as well Bassetti, Ann (Saturday, 21 February)

Teleconference 24 Feb 2015 18:00 UTC Evan Prodromou (Friday, 20 February)

"Threaded conversation" user story Andreas Kuckartz (Friday, 20 February)

social-ISSUE-13 (ActivityTypes): Which activity types are built into AS2, and how are they defined/structured? [Activity Streams 2.0] Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker (Thursday, 19 February)

discussion of some -1s by Ben Roberts (Thursday, 19 February)

Social syntax: Data model, Serialization(s), Vocabulary(ies) ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Wednesday, 18 February)

Social user stories -- time to vote Evan Prodromou (Wednesday, 18 February)

Re: social APIs -- any additions from your part of the world? HELP! Bassetti, Ann (Wednesday, 18 February)

Re: social APIs -- any additions from your part of the world? HELP! (fwd) Bassetti, Ann (Wednesday, 18 February)

Fw: social APIs -- any additions from your part of the world? HELP! Bassetti, Ann (Wednesday, 18 February)

social-ISSUE-12 (ActionStructure): Action Types Structure and Processing Model [Activity Streams 2.0] Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker (Tuesday, 17 February)

Meeting minutes for 2015/02/17 Christopher Allan Webber (Tuesday, 17 February)

Regrets James M Snell (Tuesday, 17 February)

regrets for 2/17 Bassetti, Ann (Tuesday, 17 February)

Re: New Working Drafts published ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Monday, 16 February)

social-ACTION-39: Follow up with xAPI developers community Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker (Monday, 16 February)

Fwd: Proposal for extension mechanism ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Saturday, 14 February)

Telecon 2015-02-17 18:00 UTC Evan Prodromou (Friday, 13 February)

2 APIs and the charter (Wednesday, 11 February)

Drafts: Social Web Architecture & Social Web Glossary ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Wednesday, 11 February)

is there such a thing as a conditional synonym? Erik Wilde (Tuesday, 10 February)

story or not? Erik Wilde (Tuesday, 10 February)

today's meeting minutes Erik Wilde (Tuesday, 10 February)

User stories from XG Harry Halpin (Tuesday, 10 February)

Experimental Github Webhook James M Snell (Tuesday, 10 February)

Social Architecture Report: Extensibility ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Sunday, 8 February)

AS2.0: JSON and/or RDF based? ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Friday, 6 February)

Social Web WG agenda for 10 February 2015 Arnaud Le Hors (Friday, 6 February)

Fwd: xAPI Badges integration(Including references to badge assertions in Experience API activity streams) ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Thursday, 5 February)

Social Web Glossary ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Wednesday, 4 February)

User stories for Social API Evan Prodromou (Wednesday, 4 February)

Testing process for Javascript APIs Harry Halpin (Wednesday, 4 February)

social-ACTION-38: Convert social api requirements to 2-10 user stories of 3-5 sentences each Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker (Tuesday, 3 February)

social-ACTION-37: Put forth the test suite plan using standard js tools Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker (Tuesday, 3 February)

social-ACTION-36: Resolve issue 6 Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker (Tuesday, 3 February)

social-ACTION-35: Come up with a simple proposal for implicit typing based on property names Social Web Working Group Issue Tracker (Tuesday, 3 February)

Teleconference at 18:00 UTC on 3 Feb 2015 (today!) Evan Prodromou (Tuesday, 3 February)

Re: API thoughts Evan Prodromou (Monday, 2 February)

Re: Webfinger Evan Prodromou (Monday, 2 February)

JRD, XRD Re: Webfinger Andreas Kuckartz (Sunday, 1 February)

Re: streaming/push "out of scope", was Re: on API Requirements ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ (Sunday, 1 February)

Last message date: Saturday, 28 February 2015 17:48:15 UTC