Re: AS2.0: JSON and/or RDF based?

hello elf.

On 2015-02-08 16:47, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
> On 02/08/2015 05:10 PM, Harry Halpin wrote:
>> I think the charter is clear: It's JSON-based. Any use of RDF(S) or
>> OWL inference is fine or alternative serializations is fine, but
>> should not be required (and thus non-normative).
> Let's try to clarify if further! Do you say that we can use
> rdfs:subClassOf but can not use it as formal way to say that one can
> consider an individual in given sub class also an individual in its
> super class?

it's funny, that's the exact use case i was struggling with recently. 
given that "like" now is defined as a subclass of "respond", i think the 
behavior of a AS ecosystem should be well-defined.

i would assume that if AS defines "like" to be a subclass of "respond", 
and i am for example trying to track responses in my AS ecosystem, then 
if i say i am interested in responses, the AS fabric will deliver "like" 
objects to me as well, because that's how they are defined by the 
vocabulary. if that isn't the case, then i would frankly struggle with 
the question what it even means that the vocabulary is defined that way.

now, i think one can go either way and say that yes, a "like" *is* a 
"respond" and should be treated like this, or one could say that this is 
not what happens and if a "like" also should be treated as a "respond", 
and needs to explicitly labeled that way. but whatever happens, it 
should be well-defined and not depend on implementation choices that i 
as an AS user can neither see nor control.

that was basically what i meant when a while ago, i was asking for an 
explicit processing model in the spec, that would cover exactly these 
kinds of questions. the worst possible outcome from my point of view is 
that we don't specify this, and then end up with implementations 
behaving differently and in ways that are not predictable to somebody 
using AS and not caring about implementation details.



erik wilde |  -  tel:+1-510-2061079 |
            | UC Berkeley  -  School of Information (ISchool) |
            | |

Received on Monday, 9 February 2015 04:12:29 UTC