Re: social-ISSUE-12 (ActionStructure): Action Types Structure and Processing Model [Activity Streams 2.0]

hello elf.

On 2015-02-18 8:26 , ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
>> should we also have a story that looks at the same setup but with both
>> activity types from the core vocabulary? it could be either "like" and
>> "respond" (subtypes) or "like" and "favorite". basically anything where
>> the vocabulary definition implies a relationship between activity types
>> that probably should be part of the processing model.
> +1

only that we cannot add new stories anymore....

> i also consider creating separate issue for *Extensibility*, while still
> seeing it very relevant to this issue

extensibility needs documentation, yes. so for example, taking the 
"digg" example, you can model that in three ways:

- make it its own snowflake and have an action type "digg" and assume 
that it is so special that people need to support it, or it does not 
make any sense to them.

- stick to "digg" but use some extensibility mechanism (yet to be 
defined) that allows you to say that a "digg" is a "like". that requires 
dynamic extensibility, which is notoriously hard to define and implement 
in robust and secure way.

- have an extension model where your "digg" literally is a "like", but 
there is some well-defined field that has a "subtype" where you can 
safely say "this like also happens to be a digg, for those who are 
interested and know about this refinement".

all of these are possible paths to go. our AS1 implementation is 
currently using route three, because route one is not expressive enough, 
and we believe that route two is not robust enough.

> so far only Evan added votes to the wiki, and since you already proposed
> this as a story ~1 week ago i would say add it to the wiki ASAP

i will wait for evan's ok to do it.

thanks and cheers,


erik wilde |  -  tel:+1-510-2061079 |
            | UC Berkeley  -  School of Information (ISchool) |
            | |

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2015 16:35:10 UTC