Experimental Github Webhook

Just for fun... I implemented an experimental webhook that receives
event notifications on our activity streams 2.0 spec repository and
publishes an Activity Stream. It's still fairly buggy and incomplete
at the moment but it generally works.

The repo on github is here:

The experimental feed is here: http://asgh.mybluemix.net/

The feed will show all events flowing out of github on the repo sorted
by my recently received. A limit on the number of items received can
be set using the limit query string param.


Paging links are added as necessary.

I repeat, this is extremely experimental at the moment. I'll make
improvements periodically as time permits.

For those who care about such things, the code uses my Node.js
activity streams implementation in a simple express app deployed to
IBM's bluemix environment. The data is delivered by github and
converted from their json to AS2 json then stored in a
Cloudant/CouchDB database. No RDF type stuff is required. It's just
JSON-LD expansion and compaction and a bunch of JSON manipulation.

- James

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 05:26:34 UTC