Re: User stories for Social API

On 02/04/2015 02:54 PM, Evan Prodromou wrote:
> On 2015-02-04 06:01 AM, wrote:
>> So all the user stories currently could be user stories for totally
>> siloed social networks.

Also, note that the API does not itself have to deal with federation,
just be a generic API for social use-cases and
consuming/displaying/using ActivityStreams 2.0. Again, see charter.

Federation will be a separate protocol, as noted in the charter. Since
the deliverables will be ran at the same time, we can later modify the
API to take into account federation as needed.


> YES. That is exactly the case.
> The difference is when you get to the developer stories. Those describe
> some unique advantages of using a standard API between client and server.
> If you'd like I can make this more explicit in the user cases.
>> We could extend the user stories to make them more clearly cross
>> organisational.
> That would be a grievous mistake at this point.
> We have as one of our deliverables a federation protocol. Our social API
> is the client-to-server piece; the federation protocol is the
> server-to-server piece.
> We should make a point of not putting forward a social API that isn't
> compatible with federation. However, it should not be dependent on
> federation.
> -Evan

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2015 18:02:36 UTC