(Exc-)c14n interop
2nd Last Call for the Character Model for the WWW
4/27/2002 5:48:03 PM
[Moderator Action] SIGN XML
[w3c-ietf-xmldsig] <none>
[XPath Filter 2.0] Comments on current draft
[XPath Filter 2.0] Interop Report
[XPath Filter 2.0] Problem with Transform model
A simple test of XPath filter performance
- Joseph Reagle (Friday, 31 May)
- John Boyer (Wednesday, 22 May)
- Joseph Reagle (Monday, 20 May)
- John Boyer (Tuesday, 14 May)
- merlin (Monday, 13 May)
- John Boyer (Wednesday, 8 May)
- merlin (Wednesday, 8 May)
- John Boyer (Wednesday, 8 May)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Wednesday, 8 May)
- John Boyer (Wednesday, 24 April)
- Aleksey Sanin (Wednesday, 24 April)
- Joseph Reagle (Wednesday, 24 April)
- John Boyer (Tuesday, 23 April)
Additional test cases for Exclusive XML Canonicalization
Alternative XPath Filter AND RE: Performace data and comparison
Alternative XPathFilter - a picture says more...
Are QNames in Attribute Values Permitted as Identifiers?
AW: newbie Question about PKCS#7
broken URL in the
c14n/exc-c14n interop samples
- Aleksey Sanin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Monday, 3 June)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Saturday, 1 June)
- merlin (Friday, 31 May)
- Aleksey Sanin (Friday, 31 May)
- Joseph Reagle (Friday, 31 May)
- merlin (Friday, 31 May)
- Aleksey Sanin (Friday, 31 May)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Friday, 31 May)
- Aleksey Sanin (Friday, 31 May)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Thursday, 30 May)
- Joseph Reagle (Tuesday, 28 May)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Tuesday, 28 May)
- Joseph Reagle (Tuesday, 28 May)
- merlin (Tuesday, 28 May)
CFP: 2002 ACM Workshop on XML Security
Change request -- was Re: Alternative XPathFilter - a picture says more...
CRL in DSig interop test set
dsig interop report update
Error in merlin-iaikTests-two.tar.gz?
Error in xmldsig REC
exc c14n bugs
- John Boyer (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Wednesday, 12 June)
- John Boyer (Tuesday, 11 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Thursday, 6 June)
- merlin (Thursday, 6 June)
- John Boyer (Wednesday, 5 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Wednesday, 5 June)
- John Boyer (Wednesday, 5 June)
- merlin (Wednesday, 5 June)
- John Boyer (Wednesday, 5 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Tuesday, 4 June)
- merlin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Tuesday, 4 June)
- merlin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- John Boyer (Tuesday, 4 June)
- merlin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- John Boyer (Tuesday, 4 June)
- merlin (Tuesday, 4 June)
exc-c14n is a PR
ExclC14n Interop
Exclusive C14n in Apache
exclusive c14n interop
Fwd: Moving exc-c14n forward: your response is needed!
Gregor's EXC-C14N interop samples (WAS:RE: Moving exc-c14n forward: your response is needed!)
here() context and comment nodes
Ill-desiged transform sequences
Infomosaic SecureXML Interoperability test results
Interop and c14n(x) != c14n(c14n(x))
Interop results update: XML Security Library supports all MUST/SHOULD features
June: Next steps for xmldsig
Last call announcement for XML 1.1
Latest benchmarks on xfilter2
LibXML2/XMLSec interop report for exc-c14n
Make Big Money with eBay and . . . 2055
More XML DSig test cases
Moving exc-c14n forward: your response is needed!
New Version of XPath Filter
- Joseph Reagle (Tuesday, 9 April)
- Aleksey Sanin (Tuesday, 9 April)
- Aleksey Sanin (Monday, 8 April)
- John Boyer (Monday, 8 April)
- merlin (Monday, 8 April)
- Aleksey Sanin (Monday, 8 April)
- John Boyer (Monday, 8 April)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Monday, 8 April)
- Aleksey Sanin (Monday, 8 April)
- John Boyer (Monday, 8 April)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Monday, 8 April)
- Aleksey Sanin (Monday, 8 April)
- John Boyer (Monday, 8 April)
- Aleksey Sanin (Monday, 8 April)
- John Boyer (Monday, 8 April)
- merlin (Monday, 8 April)
- Aleksey Sanin (Monday, 8 April)
- Joseph Reagle (Monday, 8 April)
newbie Question about PKCS#7
- Joseph Reagle (Wednesday, 22 May)
- Tom Gindin (Wednesday, 22 May)
- Joseph Reagle (Wednesday, 22 May)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Wednesday, 22 May)
- Tom Gindin (Tuesday, 21 May)
- Joseph Reagle (Tuesday, 21 May)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Tuesday, 21 May)
- Tom Gindin (Tuesday, 21 May)
- Joseph Reagle (Monday, 20 May)
- Manoj K. Srivastava (Friday, 17 May)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Friday, 17 May)
- John Messing (Friday, 17 May)
- Phil Griffin (Thursday, 16 May)
- Manoj K. Srivastava (Thursday, 16 May)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Thursday, 16 May)
- Ed Simon (Thursday, 16 May)
- Tom Gindin (Thursday, 16 May)
- Apvrille, Axelle (Thursday, 16 May)
- Ed Simon (Thursday, 16 May)
- Tom Gindin (Thursday, 16 May)
- Phil Griffin (Thursday, 16 May)
- Ed Simon (Thursday, 16 May)
- Roman Huditsch (Wednesday, 15 May)
Next steps for xmldsig
Performace data and comparison
Please Update Interop Matrix
POLL: Fwd: Re: XPath filter 2.0
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Friday, 14 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Tuesday, 11 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Tuesday, 11 June)
- merlin (Tuesday, 11 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Tuesday, 11 June)
- John Boyer (Tuesday, 11 June)
- John Boyer (Tuesday, 11 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Tuesday, 11 June)
- Gregor Karlinger (Tuesday, 11 June)
- merlin (Tuesday, 11 June)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Monday, 10 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Monday, 10 June)
Provokant proposal on Exclusive C14n
question about XPath filter2
Question on canonicalization and namespaces
Question: Status of Additional XML Security URIs
Relative NS if Exclusive C14n?
Reminder: W3C Members the exc-c14n Proposed REC period ends tomorrow
Response to Last Call comments on the Character Model for the WWW
SecureXML(tm) Digital Signature Verification Web Service Launched
Technical Report:xmldsig-filter2
Type attribute in Reference element
URI Or Not?
veillard , Your first targeted e-mailing is FREE
Web Interface to SecureXML Signature Verification Web Service Now Available
xfilter2 interop
xfilter2 interop (XMLSec library results)
XKMS Requirements Last Call
XML Security library interop update
XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0 - Last Call Period Ends 11 July 2002
xmldsig-filter2 rationale questions
xmldsig-filter2: going to Last Call
XPath filter 2.0
XPath Filter 2.0 speed test progress
Y4 Exclusive C145n interop; was Re: c14n/exc-c14n interop samples
Y5 Exclusive C145n interop; was Re: c14n/exc-c14n interop samples
- Joseph Reagle (Wednesday, 5 June)
- merlin (Wednesday, 5 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Wednesday, 5 June)
- merlin (Wednesday, 5 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Wednesday, 5 June)
- merlin (Wednesday, 5 June)
- Joseph Reagle (Tuesday, 4 June)
- merlin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- Aleksey Sanin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- merlin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- merlin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Tuesday, 4 June)
- Aleksey Sanin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- merlin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- Aleksey Sanin (Tuesday, 4 June)
- merlin (Monday, 3 June)
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann (Monday, 3 June)
超值雙組合=駭客技術加新名單 BAZkKUN8LQEzMjYTc
Last message date: Thursday, 27 June 2002 18:32:40 UTC