Re: POLL: Fwd: Re: XPath filter 2.0

On Tuesday 11 June 2002 02:34 pm, John Boyer wrote:
> The interop examples, including the one for XFDL, need only be reworked. 
> Is there some reason to delete any of them?

By deleting I mean the old versions probably don't produce the right 
results and need to be replaced with new ones. (The only way to rework them 
is to remove and replace them.)

> Also, the syntax in 3.2 and the examples in Section 4 will have to be
> changed, right?

I don't think so. I don't think the syntax of 3.2 needs to change. Given 
that we are plugging our <XPath/> element into an ANY, before schema gave 
us no way to designate there could only be one such element as a child of 
the Transform; and it has no way to say multiple occurences are now ok. 
It's up to the text do do this. (RelaxNG on the other hand allows you to 
specify content models based on the value of an attribute value.) And I 
think Merlin took care of the examples in section 4. (Or maybe I'm missing 

Received on Tuesday, 11 June 2002 15:05:32 UTC