Re: broken URL in the

      Actually, is better for examples than the US Post Office
( .

            Tom Gindin

Joseph Reagle <> on 04/02/2002 04:57:15 PM

Please respond to

Sent by:

To:    Merlin Hughes <>
Subject:    Re: broken URL in the

Merlin, thank you for the new examples but I had a couple of questions.

I'm confused as to whether your update [1] is supposed to replace
merlin-fifteen and merlin-sixteen in the interop matrix? (I think for new
implementors, it's easier to download a working tar ball than one with some

broken versions and updates.)

Also, Don said he'd tried to restore xmldsig.pothole but I don't think he
has, and I'm still willing to provide a necessary URI.

As an aside, unless the post office has a address namespace, it's probably
best to start the URI with

Also, I wasn't sure what you were trying to do with [2], but I don't think
it worked since the attachement didn't get a new URI?

Finally, one of your examples uses
"" and that identifier does not
exist (there's no definition, if we need such an identifier we should
create one instead of abusing the 09/xmldsig namespace.)


Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2002 01:21:13 UTC