CFP: 2002 ACM Workshop on XML Security

XML Security 2002
2002 ACM Workshop on XML Security
November 22, 2002,
Johnson Center in George Mason University, Fairfax VA, USA

Held in conjunction with the Ninth ACM Conference on Computer and 
Communications Security (CCS-9)



Today eBusiness plays a key role in the economy. Since many organizations 
are suffering from security problems such as computer viruses and security 
breaches, computer security has become a crucial concern for eBusiness. XML 
has already established itself in eBusiness applications, and the 
XML-compliant languages play an important role in almost all eBusiness 
application systems and middleware.

The ACM Workshop on XML Security will address security problems faced by 
users who try to develop XML-based applications, Web services, and security 
middleware for XML. It ranges from specific security features, such as 
digital signatures and element-wise encryption and access control of XML 
documents, to XML-based infrastructure, such as Web services and XML 
databases. Since many security features for XML have already been 
standardized, experimental evaluations of these standards is one of the 
important topics covered by this workshop.

The XML Security workshop seeks submissions from academia and industry 
covering novel research on theoretical and practical aspects of the 
security required for XML-based systems. We also encourage submissions from 
standardization communities such as W3C and OASIS, particularly from the 
technical viewpoint.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

- XML digital signatures
- XML encryption
- XML access control
- XML-based key management
- XML-based messaging
- XML-based security assertions
- XML database security
- Security policy languages for XML
- Architecture of XML security
- Security for Web services
- Experimental studies of above topics


Important Dates:
Paper submissions due: August 10, 2002
Acceptance notifications: September 30, 2002
Proceedings papers due October 31, 2002
XML Security Workshop: November 22, 2002


Program Committee:

- Blake Dournaee, RSA Security
- Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft
- Christian Geuer-Pollmann, University of Siegen
- Ernest Damiani, University of Milan
- Hiroshi Maruyama, IBM
- Polar Humenn, Syracuse University
- Stephen Farrell, Baltimore
- Tim Moses, Entrust


Submission instructions:

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been 
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference 
with proceedings. Papers should be at most 15 pages excluding the 
bibliography and well-marked appendices (using 11-point font and reasonable 
margins on letter-size paper), and at most 20 pages total. Committee 
members are not required to read the appendices, and so the paper should be 
intelligible without them. Papers should have a cover page with the title, 
authors, abstract and contact information.

To submit a paper, send to a plain ASCII text email 
containing the title and abstract of your paper, the authors' names, email 
and postal addresses, phone and fax numbers, and identification of the 
contact author. To the same message, attach your submission (as a MIME 
attachment) in PDF or portable postscript format. Do NOT send files 
formatted for word processing packages (e.g., Microsoft Word or WordPerfect 

Papers must be received by the deadline of August 10, 2002. Notification of 
acceptance or rejection will be sent to the authors no later than September 
30, 2002, and authors will have an opportunity to revise for preproceedings 
version by October 31, 2002. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that 
their paper will be presented at the workshop. During the workshop 
preproceedings will be made available. It is planned to publish selected 
revised full papers in an edited collection after the workshop. Final 
versions are not due until after the workshop, giving the authors the 
opportunity to revise their papers based on discussions during the meeting.

Program Chair
Michiharu Kudo
IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Japan
phone: +81-46-215-4642
fax: +81-46-273-7428

Program Co-chair
Phillip Hallam-Baker
Verisign, USA 

Received on Monday, 15 April 2002 02:11:42 UTC