Re: [XPath Filter 2.0] Problem with Transform model

On Wednesday 29 May 2002 12:08 pm, merlin wrote:
> Just as it is an error to use here() in an XPath transform that is
> processing a different document from the signature document, it is
> an error to supply an empty node set to the XPath filter transform.
> I agree with Gregor; the transform should fail and processing of
> the reference should stop.

new revision: 1.8

3.3 Input and Evaluation Context of Signature Filter Transform

The input required by this transform is an XPath input node-set over the 
input document. If the input document is an octet stream, then the 
application MUST attempt to parse the octets yielding the required node-set 
(including comment nodes) via [XML] well-formed processing. An empty XPath 
input node-set is an error. The XPath evaluation context for the node-set 
will be:

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 13:20:08 UTC