XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0 - Last Call Period Ends 11 July 2002

If you are a user of xmldsig XPath transforms, then this spec is for you! 
"This specification defines a new XML Signature transform to facilitate the 
development of efficient document subsetting technologies that interoperate 
under similar performance profiles."

I haven't identified any specific groups from which we want feedback from 
since we're not addresses any new requirements, we're merely improving 
performance and ease of subset specification. However, comments are welcome 
from all.


XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0
W3C Working Draft 20 June 2002

   This version:

          John Boyer, PureEdge Solutions Inc., <jboyer@PureEdge.com>
          Merlin Hughes, Baltimore Technologies Ltd.,
          Joseph Reagle, W3C, <reagle@w3.org>


   XML Signature [XML-DSig] recommends a standard means for specifying
   information content to be digitally signed and for representing the
   resulting digital signatures in XML. Some applications require the
   ability to specify a subset of a given XML document as the information
   content to be signed. The XML Signature specification meets this
   requirement with the XPath transform. However, this transform can be
   difficult to implement efficiently with existing technologies. This
   specification defines a new XML Signature transform to facilitate the
   development of efficient document subsetting technologies that
   interoperate under similar performance profiles.

Status of this document

   This is Last Call for the "Signature Filter Transform" Working Draft
   from the IETF/W3C XML Signature Working Group (Activity Statement).
   This specification defines an alternative to behavior of the XPath
   transform of the XML Signature Recommendation [XML-DSig]. The goal is
   to (1) more easily specify XPath transforms and (2) more efficiently
   process those transforms. This specification has already received a
   large amount of discussion and implementation (interop-matrix) within
   the Working Group. We hope to move to and through Last Call and then
   Candidate Recommendation quickly. The duration of the last call is
   three weeks, closing on 11 July 2002.

   The Working Group will try to use a new namespace when changes in its
   syntax or processing are substantive. However, this namespace might be
   reused (prior to reaching Candidate Recommendation) by subsequent
   drafts in such a way as to cause instances using the namespace to
   become invalid or to change in meaning or affect the operation of
   existing software. Requests for a more stringent level of namespace
   stability should be made to the Working Group. This version (20020620)
   uses a new namespace as it contains changes that permit the efficient
   combination of multiple transforms.

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 11:25:36 UTC