Re: Error in merlin-iaikTests-two.tar.gz?

Hi Christian,

This is a feature of the c14n spec; see the second paragraph
of 2.4:

  The processing of an element node E MUST be modified slightly when an
  XPath node-set is given as input and the element's parent is omitted
  from the node-set. The method for processing the attribute axis of an
  element E in the node-set is enhanced. All element nodes along E's
  ancestor axis are examined for nearest occurrences of attributes in the
  xml namespace, such as xml:lang and xml:space (whether or not they are
  in the node-set). From this list of attributes, remove any that are in
  E's attribute axis (whether or not they are in the node-set). Then,
  lexicographically merge this attribute list with the nodes of E's
  attribute axis that are in the node-set. The result of visiting the
  attribute axis is computed by processing the attribute nodes in this
  merged attribute list.

This probably isn't aesthetically ideal; however, it doesn't
cause any problems.


>Hi Merlin,
>I have a problem to verify your signature.xml from 
>merlin-iaikTests-two.tar.gz which was for testing exclusive c14n: The first 
>Reference (digest input in c14n-0.xml) seems to be wrong. The others can be 
>verified. It looks like this (indentation added by me):
>- c14n-0.xml -----------------------
><Parent xml:foo="bar"
>        xml:fool="barbar"
>        xml:lang="en"
>        xml:space="default">
><GrandChild xml:foo="barbarossa"
>            xml:fool="barbar"
>            xml:lang="ge"
>            xml:space="preserve"></GrandChild>
>This reference was simply the XPath transform (and implicit inclusive c14n 
>omitting comments). What I see is that both the Parent and the GrandChild 
>have a xml:fool="barbar" attribute while the GrandChild shouldn't.

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Received on Thursday, 23 May 2002 09:24:55 UTC